タケミツを歌う 〜フォルテピアノと共に〜

ALCD-7198 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2016/03/07発売 JAN 4530835 111238
HIROYA AOKI, Countertenor MAI SHIGEOKA, Fortepiano

[1] めぐり逢い(荒木一郎 詞)
[2] 燃える秋(五木寛之 詞)
[3] 翼(武満徹 詞)
[4] 恋のかくれんぼ(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[5] 昨日のしみ(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[6] 小さな部屋で(川路明 詞)
[7] 雪(瀬木慎一 詞)
[8] うたうだけ(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[9] ワルツ(岩淵達治 詞)
[10] ◯と△の歌(武満徹 詞)
[11] 小さな空(武満徹 詞)
[12] 死んだ男の残したものは(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[13] 明日ハ晴レカナ、曇リカナ(武満徹 詞)
[14] 島へ(井沢満 詞)
[15] 見えないこども(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[16] 素晴らしい悪女(永田文夫 詞)
[17] 三月のうた(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[18] 雲に向かって起つ(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[19] ぽつねん(谷川俊太郎 詞)
[20] さようなら(秋山邦晴 詞)

青木 洋也(カウンターテナー) 重岡 麻衣(フォルテピアノ)

〈録音〉神奈川県立相模湖交流センター 2015年5月26〜28日


(C) Eiji Shinohara
 1976年生まれ。東京藝術大学大学院修士課程古楽科修了。エリザベト音楽大学大学院宗教音楽学専攻修了。声楽を鈴木仁、宇田川貞夫、マックス・ファン・エグモント、野々下由香里、ペーター・コーイ、ゲルト・テュルク、ロビン・ブレイズの各氏に師事。「バッハ・コレギウム・ジャパン」を始めとする古楽アンサンブルの国内外の公演・録音に参加する他、ソリストとして国内はもとより、アイルランド・ダブリンやドイツ・ライプツィヒ等でアルトソロをつとめるなど活躍の場を広げている。2012年にはグルックの歌劇《オルフエウス》(森鴎外訳)文京シビックホールのオルフエウス役で出演、絶賛された。ソロCDでは、2011年『大いなる神秘』(Regulus)、2013年『夜の祈り』(WAON RECORD)、2014年『時が止まる/イギリス・リュートソング集』(Regulus)があり、レコード芸術特選盤、朝日新聞for your Collectionではソフトで華のある歌唱が往年の名歌手アルフレッド・デラーに例えられる等、いずれも好評を得ている。また近年は合唱指揮者としても活躍している。現在「パーセル・プロジェクト」代表、「ヴォーカル・アンサンブル カペラ」、「アンサンブル小瑠璃」メンバー。

(C) Toshikazu Kaneiwa

[1] The Encounter (words Ichiro Araki)
[2] Glowing Autumn (words Hiroyuki Itsuki)
[3] Wings (words Toru Takemitsu)
[4] The Game of Love (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[5] Yesterday’s Spot (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[6] In a Small Room (words Akira Kawaji)
[7] La Neige (words Shinichi Segi)
[8] I Just Sing (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[9] Waltz (words Tatsuji Iwabuchi)
[10] A Song of ◯’s (Circles) and △’s (Triangles) (words Toru Takemitsu)
[11] Small Sky (words Toru Takemitsu)
[12] All That the Man Left Behind When He Died (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[13] Will Tomorrow, I Wonder, Be Cloudy or Clear ? (words Toru Takemitsu)
[14] To the Island (words Mann Izawa)
[15] Unseen Child (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[16] A Marvelous Kid (words Fumio Nagata)
[17] In the Month of March (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[18] Take Off for the Clouds (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[19] All Alone (words Shuntaro Tanikawa)
[20] Sayonara (words Kuniharu Akiyama)

Hiroya Aoki, Contertenor
The Japanese countertenor Hiroya Aoki was born in Tokyo in 1976, and received his master’s degree in early music from the Tokyo University of the Arts, and master’s degree in sacred music from the Elisabeth University of Music Hiroshima. During his undergraduate days, he began to visit Europe regularly to deepen his musical experiences. He studied vocal music with Hitoshi Suzuki, Sadao Udagawa, Max van Egmond, Yukari Nonoshita, Peter Kooij, Gert Tuerk and Robin Blaze. He is a member of the Bach Collegium Japan, the Vocal Ensemble CAPPELLA, the Ensemble CORURI and the Philharmonie Kammer Ensemble, currently.
As a religious music expert Hiroya Aoki specialize in oratorios and cantatas such as J. S. Bach’s both St. Matthew and St. John Passion, several cantatas, G. F. Handel’s Messiah, Deborah and Theodora. He appeared as a soloist of Messiah in Dublin (Ireland) and Mass in B-minor, Christmas Oratorio and Messiah at St. Nikolaikirche in Leipzig (Germany). He is currently widening his activity steadily abroad.
In 2007, Hiroya Aoki was invited to the commemorative concert in Dublin for the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Ireland and sang the alto solo of Messiah (conducted by P. AS Duinn) at which he won a great popularity. As a member of the Bach Collegium Japan (BCJ), he engaged concerts and sound recordings in various countries both home and abroad. In 2009, he performed Bach’s St. John Passion and several church cantatas at music festival ‘La Folle Journée au Japon’ as a soloist of the BCJ and also Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in the BCJ’s Germany tour.
Hiroya Aoki has participated actively as a chorus master in recent years. He is enjoying a good reputation as seen in a review: ‘His watertight rendering, elegant scenic depiction and superb handling of both the vocal and instrumental forces are derived from his high adaptability and experienced judgment earned through his past’.

Mai Chigeoka, fortepiano
 Mai Shigeoka was born in 1981 in Japan. She studied harpsichord and fortepiano with Masaaki Suzuki, Yoshiko Kojima and Kikuko Ogura at the Tokyo University of the Arts and obtained a master’s degree.
 She studied pianoforte with Boyan Vodenitcharov and Piet Kuijken at the ‘Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels’ and obtained a master’s degree with ‘Great Distinction’.
 She was awarded a scholarship of the Government of Flanders between 2006-07. At the Early Music Competition in Brugge she was given a Honorable Mention of pianoforte.
 She has given many concerts with several groups such as ‘Bach Collegium Japan (dir. Masaaki Suzuki)’, ‘Il Gardellino (dir. Jan De winne)’, ‘Recercar Consort (dir. Philippe Pierlot)’ and ‘Collegium Vocale Gent (dir. Philippe Herreweghe)’ in Japan, Belgium, Austria and Germany as a continuo player and a accompanist of harpsichord, fortepiano and organ.
 Also she has given several solo concerts in Maasmechelen, at Royal Instrumetal Museum in Brussels, in Salzburg and in Stuttgart.
 From 2008 to 2013 she was the guest professor of the pianoforte at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Antwerp.

Recording Location: Sagamiko Koryu Center, 26-28 May 2015