Claude Debussy: Préludes pour piano Livre 1 et 2

ALCD-7178 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2013/10/07発売 JAN 4530835 110316菅野潤(ピアノ)
Jun Kanno, piano



Photo: Taisuke Yoshidaクロード・ドビュッシー(1862-1918):
前奏曲集 第1巻
[1] デルフォイの舞姫
[2] 帆
[3] 野を渡る風
[4] 音と香りは夕暮れの大気に漂う
[5] アナカプリの丘
[6] 雪の上の足跡
[7] 西風の見たもの
[8] 亜麻色の髪の乙女
[9] 遮られたセレナード
[10] 沈める寺
[11] パックの踊り
[12] ミンストレル

前奏曲集 第2巻
[13] 霧
[14] 枯葉
[15] ビーノの門
[16] 妖精たちはあでやかな踊り子
[17] ヒースの野
[18] 風変わりなラヴィーヌ将軍
[19] 月の光が降りそそぐテラス
[20] 水の精
[21] ピックウィック卿をたたえて
[22] カノープ
[23] 交代する三度
[24] 花火

〈録音〉彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 2013年4月2-4日


菅野 潤
 2012年5月にALM RECORDSより発売された新譜「メシアン:幼子イエズスに注ぐ20のまなざし」は、「明晰な音楽表出、瞑想的な神秘性、心洗われるメシアン」(「ショパン」誌)、「ダイナミックで繊細、心を打つ、感動的な演奏」(「ぶらあぼ」誌)などと、一致した幅広い支持を受けた。

好評発売中 CD「メシアン:幼子イエズスに注ぐ20のまなざし」菅野潤 ALCD-7161, 7162 (2CD)

Claude Debussy 1862-1918

Préludes 1er Livre
Danseuses de Delphes
Le Vent dans la plaine
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l’air du soir
Les Collines d’Anacapri
Des pas sur la neige
Ce qu’a vu le vent d'Ouest
La Fille aux cheveux de lin
La Sérénade interrompue
La Cathédrale engloutie
La Danse de Puck

Préludes 2e Livre
Feuilles mortes
La Puerta del Vino
Les Fées sont d'exquises danseuses
“Général Lavine” eccentric
La Terrasse des audiences du clair de lune
Hommage à S. Pickwick Esq. P.P.M.P.C.
Les Tierces alternées
Feux d’artifice

Jun Kanno
Jun Kanno is one the most internationally acclaimed and respected Japanese pianists performing today.
A graduate of Toho Gakuen College Music Department in Tokyo, Jun Kanno was invited to France by Olivier Messiaen and Yvonne Loriod, wife of the famous composer, who became his teacher at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. He won the there in piano and chamber music. Jun Kanno was also unanimously awarded the by the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, and was subsequently appointed as Germaine Mounier’s assitant. He completed his studies with Vlado Perlemuter and Gyorgy Sebok.
After getting prizes at several international competitions, Jun Kanno has played with the Munich Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of Berlin, the National Orchestra of Cracow, the Chamber Orchestra of Salzburg, the Chamber Orchestra of Prague, the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Japan Philharmonic, and the Korean National Orchestra.
Jun Kanno lives in Paris, where he has given many recitals at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées and the Salle Gaveau. He is regularly invited to perform in principal musical cities such as London (St. John’s), Rome (Teatro Ghione), Geneva (Studio Ansermet), Salzburg (Schloss Mirabell), Tokyo (Suntory Hall), Brussels, Barcelona, Florence and others.
Jun Kanno was a regular guest artist with the Mozarteum Quartet of Salzburg. With Karlheinz Franke, first violin of the Mozarteum Quartet, he played all over Europe under the name of the Mozarteum Duo Salzburg.
Jun Kanno performs regularly with the Vienna String Quartet, composed of top players from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Werner Hink, Pierre Amoyal, Vladimir Mendelssohn, Bruno Pasquier, Daniel Grosgurin, Martin Lovett and Frank Stadler have been his partners of chamber music.
From 1996 to 2007 Jun Kanno was Professor at the Juan Pedro Carrero Music School in Barcelona, where his pedagogical skills were highly appreciated. Prestigious institutions such as Conservatoire Royal of Brussels, Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Hartford University and Toho Gakuen College invite him regularly.
Often invited as judge at international competitions (London, Porto, Messiaen-Paris), he frequently holds master classes (International Summer Academy of Nice, PIANALE in Germany, Villa Medici in Italy etc.) all over the world.
His recordings have been released in France, Switzerland and Japan, include works from Bach to Messiaen.
“Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus”, the latest CD of Jun Kanno edited by ALM RECORDS in May 2012, was unanimously praised by the critics with comments such as “expression with clarity, meditative and mysterious, feel purified” ( magazine), “dynamic and refined, performance full of emotion” ( magazine).