夜の詞 能声楽とチェロのための作品集

 Yoru no Kotoba
  Works for Noh voice and violoncello

ALCD-131 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2021/09/07発売 JAN 4530835 113669
青木涼子(能声楽) エリック=マリア・クテュリエ(チェロ)
Ryoko Aoki Noh voice  Éric-Maria Couturier violoncello

レコード芸術 準特選盤
音楽現代 推薦盤


[1] スリーネ・F・ヘレナバレーナ: 夜 (2018)

[2] ジェイミー・マン: 四 (2017)

[3] トーマス・ヴァリー: 能に注ぐ5つの眼差し (2019)

[4] アンナキアーラ・ゲッダ: 物の怪 (2018)

[5] ヤニス・ペトラスケヴィチ: 月 (2019)

青木涼子(能声楽) エリック=マリア・クテュリエ(チェロ)

Gok Sound(東京)・Studio Music Unit(パリ) 2021年4月26-28日








[1] Zuriñe F. Gerenabarrena (1965-)
  Yoru for Noh voice and violoncello (2018)

[2] Jamie Man (1987-)
  shi for for Noh performer and violincello (2017)

[3] Thomas Wally (1981-)
  Cinq regards sur Noh for Noh voice and violoncello (2019)

[4] Annachiara Gedda (1986-)
  MONONOKE for Noh voice and violoncello (2018)

[5] Jānis Petraškevičs (1978-)
  Moon for Noh voice and violoncello (2019)

Ryoko Aoki Noh voice  Éric-Maria Couturier violoncello

Recording Date: 26-28 April 2021
Recording Location: Gok Sound (Tokyo), Studio Music Unit (Paris)

Ryoko Aoki (Noh singer)
Ryoko Aoki is the pioneer of and inspiration for a new artistic form combining utai – traditional Noh recitation – with contemporary music. More than 50 works have been written for her by world-renowned composers including Peter Eötvös and Toshio Hosokawa. Singing with orchestras and performing in operas, she has worked to expand the audience for Noh recitation. She has performed in Wolfgang Rihm’s opera “The Conquest of Mexico” at the Teatro Real de Madrid as well as with orchestras including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the Ensemble Intercontemporain, the Ensemble Musikfabrik and the Munich Chamber Orchestra. She has participated in music festivals including the Festival d’Automne in Paris, the Musikfest Berlin, the Bartok Festival and the Tongyeong International Music Festival. She has also performed at major concert halls including the Concertgebouw, the Berlin Philharmonie, the Philharmonie de Paris and the Kölner Philharmonie. As part of her NohxContemporary Music project, Ryoko Aoki has commissioned a series of new works for Noh voice. In 2014, she released a “NohxContemporary Music” recording. During Covid-19 pandemic, she has broadcasted the online concert “HO NOH – Pray for an end to the Covid-19” as live-streaming distant session on her YouTube Channel. Ryoko earned her BA and MA from the Department of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts (majoring in the Kanze School of Noh theatre), before gaining a Ph.D. from SOAS, University of London. She was appointed a “Japan Cultural Envoy” in 2015 by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and was awarded “The Creative Tradition Prize” in 2019 by the Japan Arts Foundation.

Ryoko Aoki Official Website|https://ryokoaoki.net/

Éric-Maria Couturier (violoncello)
At the age of 18, Éric-Maria Couturier entered the Paris Conservatory (CNSMDP) in first place in Roland Pidoux’s class, where he received the highest honors in cello and a masters in chamber music in Christian Ivaldi’s class. He was awarded First Prize and the Special Prize in the Trapani competition, Second Prize in Trieste and Third Prize of Florence along with pianist Laurent Wagschal with whom he recorded an album devoted to French music in the early XXth century.
At 23, he joined the Paris Orchestra then becamefirst chair soloist with the Bordeaux NationalOrchestra. Since 2002, he has been a soloist with the Ensemble Intercontemporain. Eric-Maria Couturier has played for the greatest conductors of our day, including Solti, Sawallisch, Giulini, Maazel and Boulez.
Member of Trio Talweg, he is soloist in the cello concertos of Haydn, Dvorak, Eötvös and Kurtág. His experience with chamber music has been enriched by playing with pianists such as Maurizio Pollini, Jean-Claude Pennetier and Shani Diluka.
In the realm of improvisation, he plays with jazz singer David Linx, DJ ErikM, singer Laika Fatien and double bass player Jean-Philippe Viret with whom he recorded his latest album in quartet. He has also recorded an album with the octet Les Violoncelles Français for the label Mirare. He plays on a Frank Ravatin cello.
