間宮芳生 チェロとピアノのための作品集

Works for Cello and Piano

ALCD-130 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2021/08/07発売 JAN 4530835 113614
髙橋麻理子(チェロ) 山田剛史(ピアノ)
Mariko Takahashi cello
Takashi Yamada piano

レコード芸術 準特選盤
音楽現代 推薦盤
朝日新聞 for your Collection 推薦盤
日本経済新聞 ディスクレビュー掲載

間宮芳生 (1929-)

五つのフィンランド謡 チェロとピアノのための(1977)
[1] 馬
[2] 泣きうた
[3] 家なきこじき
[4] ミッキン・ペッコ
[5] ヨーイク

チェロ・ソナタ(1998) [世界初録音]
[6 ] I. Lento assai assai (senza tempo)
[7 ] II. “Breeze” Lento (senza tempo) – “Air” Andante
[8 ] III. “Genuflection” Adagio sentito

六つの チェロとピアノのための   
[9] 田植唄(富山県民謡)(1972)
[10] ちらん節(鹿児島県民謡)(1960)
[11] 銀鶴節(鹿児島県民謡)(1960)
[12] 田の草取り唄(愛媛県民謡)(1972)
[13] から臼搗(岩手県民謡)(1972)
[14] 米搗まだら(長崎県民謡)(1972)

三鷹市芸術文化センター 2020年12月2-3日


間宮芳生 Michio MAMIYA
1929年生まれ。東京音楽学校(現・東京藝術大学)卒業。バルトークに触発され、卒業直後より民俗音楽研究に力を入れる。日本民謡のみならず、ジャズやアフリカ民俗音楽などにも関心をもち、それらを素材とした独自の作風を確立していく。代表作に《合唱のためのコンポジション》シリーズ、《オーケストラのための2つのタブロー'65》(尾高賞1966年)、《ピアノ協奏曲第2番》(尾高賞1971年)、《ヴァイオリン協奏曲》2曲、《チェロ協奏曲》などのほか、オペラ「鳴神」(ザルツブルグ・テレビオペラ賞グランプリ 1974年)、「ニホンザル・スキトオリメ」、「昔噺 人買い太郎兵衛」など。独奏曲、室内楽曲、吹奏楽(行進曲「カタロニアの栄光」、「ベリーを摘んだらダンスにしよう」等)、映画音楽(「日本万国博」1971年、「火垂るの墓」1988年等)など、多岐にわたる創作活動を行っている。1992年紫綬褒章受章。1999年勲四等旭日小綬章受章。

髙橋麻理子(チェロ) Mariko TAKAHASHI cello
桐朋学園大学首席卒業、皇居桃華楽堂新人演奏会に於いて御前演奏を行う。霧島国際音楽祭にて特別奨励賞、及びサントリー賞受賞。第6回大阪国際室内楽コンクール、トリオ部門にて日本人初の第3位入賞。小澤征爾音楽塾、サイトウキネンフェスティバルなどにも参加、またNHK 名曲リサイタル他録音なども多数行っている。これまでにチェロを井上頼豊、倉田澄子、堤剛、ユリウス・ベルガーの各氏に師事。バロックチェロを鈴木秀美、シュテファン・シュルツに師事。

Twitter https://twitter.com/maricello66
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/maricello66/

山田剛史(ピアノ) Takashi YAMADA piano

Twitter https://twitter.com/takashi_1982
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/takashi.yamada.777363

Michio MAMIYA(1929-)

FIVE FINNISH FOLK SONGS for violoncello and piano(1977)
[1] Liinaharjahevonen ja Liputtomat
[2] Itkua (keen)
[3] Miero voutti uutta kuuta
[4] Mikin Pekko
[5] Joiku

SONATA for cello and piano [World Premiere Recording]
[6 ] I. Lento assai assai (senza tempo)
[7 ] II. “Breeze” Lento (senza tempo) – “Air” Andante
[8 ] III. “Genuflection” Adagio sentito

SIX JAPANESE FOLK SONGS for violoncello and piano
[9] TAUE-UTA, folk song of Toyama Prefecture(1972)
[10] CHIRAN-BUSHI, folk song of Kagoshima Prefecture(1960)
[11] GINZURU-BUSHI, folk song of Kagoshima Prefecture(1960)
[12] TA-NO-KUSATORI-UTA, folk song of Ehime Prefecture(1972)
[13] KARA-USU-TSUKI, folk song of Iwate Prefecture(1972)
[14] KOMETSUKI-MADARA, folk song of Nagasaki Prefecture(1972)

Recording Location: Mitaka City Arts Center Concert Hall
Recording Date: 2-3 December 2020

Born in 1929, Michio Mamiya graduated from the Tokyo Music School (the predecessor of the Tokyo University of the Arts). Inspired by Bartók, he began researching folk music immediately after he graduated from university. His interest is not confined to Japan; he is interested in jazz and African folk music and uses all of these as material with which he has established a unique compositional style. His most prominent compositions are the “Compositions for Chorus” series, “Deux Tableaux pour Orchestre ’65” (1966 Otaka Prize), Piano Concerto No. 2 (1971 Otaka Prize), two Concertos for Violin and Orchestra, Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, and three operas, including “Narukami” which won the Grand Prix of the Salzburg TV Opera Prize. He has also composed many other works in a wide range of genres including solo works, chamber music, music for wind instruments, film music (Japan Expo 1971 and Grave of the Fireflies 1988 etc). He was awarded the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon in 1992 and in 1999 he was awarded the Fourth Class of the Order of the Rising Sun.

Mariko TAKAHASHI, cello
After graduating from Toho Gakuen College of Music, Mariko Takahashi gave a performance in the Tokagakudo (Imperial concert hall in the gardens of the Imperial Palace) in the presence of the Emperor of Japan. She won the Kirishima International Music Festival Special Encouragement Prize and the Suntory Prize. She was the first Japanese artist to win the 3rd prize in the trio section of the 6th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition. She participated in the Seiji Ozawa Music Academy and the Saito Kinen Festval, and has given performances and made recordings for NHK. To date she has studied the cello with Yoritoyo Inoue, Sumiko Kurata, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi and Julius Berger, and the baroque cello with Hidemi Suzuki and Stefan Schultz.
Mariko has lived in Germany since 2007. She is frequently invited to music festivals in Japan and Europe, and enjoys an active career performing works ranging from early music to the present. Since 2012 she has worked every year in elementary school outreach projects all over Japan as a registered artist in the Japanese Government Agency for Cultural Affairs ‘Nurturing Children through Culture and the Arts’ program. Her duo recitals with the pianist Takashi Yamada, with whom she has worked since 2016, are highly acclaimed, and have been featured in the ‘Sarasate’ music magazine.

Takashi YAMADA, piano
Nara native Takashi Yamada completed both undergraduate and graduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts, and subsequently won the Kreutzer Award. He studied at the Cologne University of Music under a Rohm Foundation scholarship and passed the German Konzertexamen. He won first prize at the 1st Nagoya International Piano Competition in 2002, and in 2007 he won both the 1st prize in the piano section and the audience prize in the 5th Tokyo Music Competition. He has performed as soloist with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kazuyoshi Akiyama, and many other orchestras. He has given recitals in the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan recital hall and the Osaka Izumi Hall.
He has a particular affinity with Bach and contemporary music. His performances and interpretations of the six English Suites, the Goldberg Variations and Volume I of the Well-Tempered Clavier are highly acclaimed, as are his theme-based recitals of works ranging from Baroque to contemporary. His performance of Szymanowski’s Piano Sonata No. 3 was described as “an intelligent and highly original performance which achieved a surprising level of perfection”. He has also won the confidence of numerous performers as a chamber music partner and vocal accompanist. He has appeared at the Tokyo Opera City “B→C” series and at the Tokyo Spring Music Festival. He has studied with Cláudio Soares, Nina Tichman and Antony Spiri. Having worked as a part-time lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, he is at present a part-time lecturer at the Kunitachi College of Music and at Tokyo Gakugei University.