■川上統 組曲「甲殻」 [第一集、第二集、第三集]
Osamu Kawakami
Suite “Carapace” [Volume I - III]
ALCD-124 税込価格¥2,750(税抜価格¥2,500) 2021/10/07発売 JAN 4530835 113713
Yoshu Kamei (violin), Seiko Takemoto (cello), Shizuka Kuretani (piano)
読売新聞 Evening Entertainment 掲載
音楽現代 推薦盤
川上統 (1979-)
組曲「甲殻」 [第一集、第二集、第三集](2005-2015)
[1] テッポウエビ (2007)
[2] カブトガニ (2005)
[3] ハナシャコ (2005)
[4] シオマネキ (2005)
[5] タカアシガニ (2007)
第二集 Volume II
[6] ガザミ (2009)
[7] ミジンコ (2009)
[8] ワレカラ (2008)
[9] フリソデエビ (2010)
[10] ウミサソリ (2009)
第三集 Volume III
[11] トラフカラッパ (2010)
[12] ウミホタル (2010)
[13] ソメンヤドカリ (2015)
[14] ウチワエビ (2013)
[15] アカガニ (2013)
三鷹市芸術文化センター 2017年8月24日、2018年2月1日
川上統(かわかみ おさむ)
2014年、Just Composed in YOKOHAMA委嘱作曲家
亀井庸州(かめい ようしゅう)
竹本聖子(たけもと せいこ)
榑谷静香(くれたに しずか)
東京都出身。東京音楽大学ピアノ演奏家コース卒業。2006年、Ensemble-Akademie Freiburg参加。古典作品から新作まで幅広く演奏活動を行う。近年は同時代の作曲家たちとの企画にも積極的に携わり、新作初演や録音を数多く手がけている。
Osamu Kawakami (1979-)
Suite “Carapace” [Volume I - III](2005-2015)
Volume I
[1] Pistol Shrimp (2007)
[2] Horseshoe Crab (2005)
[3] Odontodactylus japonicus (2005)
[4] Fiddler Crab (2005)
[5] Japanese Spider Crab (2007)
Volume II
[6] Swimming Crab (2009)
[7] Water Flea (2009)
[8] Skeleton Shrimp (2008)
[9] Harlequin Shrimp (2010)
[10] Sea Scorpion (2009)
Volume III
[11] Box Crab (2010)
[12] Sea-firefly (2010)
[13] Anemone Hermit Crab (2015)
[14] Fan Lobster (2013)
[15] Christmas Island Red Crab (2013)
Yoshu Kamei (violin), Seiko Takemoto (cello), Shizuka Kuretani (piano)
Recording Location: Mitaka City Arts Center, 24 August 2017, 1 February 2018
Osamu Kawakami (composer)
Born in Tokyo in 1979, Osamu Kawakami lives in Hiroshima.
After completing under-graduate studies in music and composition at Tokyo College of Music, he went on to complete a graduate degree there.
He studied composition with Joji Yuasa, Shin‐ichiro Ikebe, Toshio Hosokawa, Noriko Hisada and Hiroyuki Yamamoto.
In 2003 he won the 20th JSCM Award for Composers.
In 2009, 2012 and 2015 he participated in the Takefu International Music Festival as a guest composer.
In 2014 he received a commission from Just Composed in YOKOHAMA, and later that year he was invited to the Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival (Korea).
In 2018 he taught composition at the Akiyoshidai's Summer Contemporary Music Festival contemporary music seminar.
At present, in 2021, he has more than two hundred compositions to his name, many of which are named after living things.
His compositions are published by Schott Music Ltd.
Yoshu Kamei (violin)
Yoshu Kamei began concentrating on giving premiere performances of contemporary works in and around the year 2000. He studied twentieth century music and improvisation at the Royal Conservatoire of Liège and has been involved in the premieres of new works by composers of his own generation since he returned to Japan in 2007. He regularly appears in concerts organized by the Suntory Foundation for Arts, Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall et al, giving premiere and repeat performances of chamber music and solo works by Japanese and international composers. So far he has premiered over one hundred works. His longest premiere performance history is with Osamu Kawakami, a relationship which goes back to the beginning of his career. In addition, he plays the shakuhachi, studies the classics, and makes recordings. Performances he gave as a member of a string quartet won the 14th and 18th Keizo Saji Prize.
Seiko Takemoto (cello)
Fukuoka native Seiko Takemoto completed both undergraduate and graduate studies at the Tokyo College of Music. She is a member of Orchestra Tryptique, an organization which discovers, performs and records music by Japanese composers, and of Awai za, a contemporary music creation group which studies the culture of the Edo period. She pursues a very active and varied performance career in which she performs orchestral and chamber music, plays music for radio dramas and movies, gives live performances in shows and musicals, and premieres new works by Japanese and international composers, a career which gives her a plethora of opportunities to enjoy music and meeting people.
Shizuka Kuretani (piano)
Shizuka Kuretani was born in Tokyo. She graduated from the Tokyo College of Music Piano Performance Course, and took part in a masterclass at Ensemble-Akademie Freiburg in 2006. She mainly performs as a member of chamber ensembles, with a repertoire extending from classical to contemporary music. In recent years, she has been actively working with composers of her own generation, has given a great many premières and has recorded their works.