渡辺俊哉作品集 あわいの色彩
Works of Toshiya Watanabe Colors in Between

ALCD-122 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2020/03/07発売 JAN 4530835 112907

レコード芸術 特選盤
音楽現代 推薦盤


[1] 音の綾Ⅲ ヴァイオリン、チェロとピアノのための (2011)

[2] あわいの色彩Ⅱ クラリネットと弦楽四重奏のための (2017)

[3] 声の痕跡 トロンボーンとピアノのための (2015)

[4] 私の知らない歌 ソプラノ、クラリネット、ヴァイオリンとピアノのための (2019)

三鷹市芸術文化センター 2019年9月19-20日


© Jun’ichi Ishizuka
1974年東京生まれ。東京藝術大学音楽学部作曲科卒業。同大学大学院修士課程作曲専攻修了。1999年度武満徹作曲賞第3位入賞(審査員:ルチアーノ・ベリオ)。第24回入野賞佳作(室内楽)。武生作曲賞2003入選。第14回芥川作曲賞ノミネート、「クロノイ・プロトイ第5回作品展〜弦楽四重奏の可能性」(渡辺俊哉プロデュース)において、第9回佐治敬三賞受賞(サントリー芸術財団)など。ミュージック・フロム・ジャパン(2012)、HIROSHIMA HAPPY NEW EAR ⅩⅣ 次世代の作曲家たちⅢ (2013) など様々な団体や個人から委嘱を受けている。2013年にはタンブッコ・パーカッション・アンサンブルより、レジデンス・コンポーザーとしてメキシコへ招聘され、新曲が彼らによって初演された。2014年には、カナダの弦楽四重奏団、ボッツィーニ・クァルテット来日公演の実行委員の1人として第1日目のコンサート、「ケージ ― その先へ」をプロデュースした。現在、国立音楽大学准教授、東京藝術大学、明治学院大学各講師。

クァルテット・エクセルシオ Quartet Excelsior
西野 ゆか(第1ヴァイオリン)、北見 春菜(第2ヴァイオリン)、吉田 有紀子(ヴィオラ)、大友 肇(チェロ)
結成26年目を迎えた常設弦楽四重奏団。第2回大阪国際室内楽コンクール弦楽四重奏 部門第2位、第5回パオロ・ボルチアーニ国際弦楽四重奏コンクール最高位、第19回新日鉄音楽賞「フレッシュアーティスト賞」、第16回ホテルオークラ音楽賞等、受賞歴多数。室内楽の聴衆の輪を広げる活動をはじめ、後進の指導も積極的に行っている。’17年4月より浦安音楽ホールレジデンシャル・アーティスト。

菊地秀夫 クラリネット
桐朋学園大学卒業。日本現代音楽協会主催コンクール「競楽Ⅱ」にて第2位。ダルムシュタット音楽祭にて奨学生賞受賞。アンサンブル・ノマドのメンバーとしてサントリー芸術財団第2回佐治敬三賞受賞。同アンサンブルのメンバーとして、ヨーロッパ・中南米・アジアの海外音楽祭に招待参加。演奏・企画団体「Office でく」代表。国立音楽大学非常勤講師。

松岡麻衣子 ヴァイオリン
桐朋学園大学卒業、同大学研究科修了後渡独。インターナショナル・アンサンブル・モデルン・アカデミー(フランクフルト音楽・舞台芸術大学)にて研鑽を積む。トリオ・シュトイアーマン、アンサンブル・リネア等のヴァイオリニストを務めた他、アンサンブル・モデルン、アンサンブル・レゾナンツ等の演奏会に出演し、各地の音楽祭に招聘される。2014年現代音楽演奏コンクール“競楽Ⅺ”第2位。Phidias Trio Tokyo 及び green room players 奏者。

篠田昌伸 ピアノ

コンテンポラリー・デュオ 村田厚生&中村和枝
2004年から活動するトロンボーンとピアノのための現代作品演奏ユニット。「特異な音楽作品として成立し、同時に普遍的なレパートリーたりうる作品を発表したい」という強い意図を持って企画を行っている。2013年にCD「Slide Paranoia」をリリース。2017年にはスイス・ドイツ5都市(バーゼル、マンハイム、ケルン、シュライヤーン、ベルリン)でリサイタルを行った。

村田厚生 トロンボーン

中村和枝 ピアノ

松本卓以 チェロ
東京藝術大学、同大学院修了。在学中に福島賞受賞。藝大定期にてサン=サーンスのチェロ協奏曲を協演。ガウデアムス国際現代音楽祭他、国内外の音楽祭に多数出演。これまでに250曲を超える初演を手掛けている。クァルテット・アルモニコ、Ensemble Contemporary α、アンサンブル東風、小松亮太&オルケスタティピカのメンバー。アンサンブル・ノマドレギュラーゲスト。2001年より藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団に在籍。東京藝術大学非常勤講師。

石川星太郎 指揮

松井亜希 ソプラノ
岩手県出身。東京藝術大学大学院博士課程修了、音楽博士の学位取得。アカンサス音楽賞、同声会賞、三菱地所賞受賞。日仏声楽コンクール及び日本ドイツリートコンクール優勝、日本音楽コンクール入選。世界で活躍する Bach Collegium Japan のソリストおよびアンサンブルメンバーとして数多くの国内外の公演や録音に参加している。透明度の高い歌声と的確な楽曲解釈、豊かな表現力でバロックから現代まで幅広いレパートリーを持つ。

Toshiya Watanabe(1974-):

[1] Twill of Sound Ⅲ (2011)
 Maiko Matsuoka (violin), Takui Matsumoto (cello), Masanobu Shinoda (piano)

[2] Colors in Between Ⅱ (2017)
Hideo Kikuchi (clarinet), Quartet Excelsior (string quartet), Seitaro Ishikawa (conductor)
 Quartet Excelsior: Yuka Nishino (violin), Haruna Kitami (violin), Yukiko Yoshida (viola), Hajime Otomo (cello)

[3] Trail of Voices (2015)
Contemporary Duo: Kosei Murata (trombone), Kazue Nakamura (piano)

[4] “My Song I Don’t Know” (2019)
Aki Matsui (soprano), Hideo Kikuchi (clarinet), Maiko Matsuoka (violin), Masanobu Shinoda (piano),
Seitaro Ishikawa (conductor)

Recording Location: Mitaka City Arts Center, 19-20 September 2019

Toshiya Watanabe (composer)
Born in Tokyo in 1974, composer Toshiya Watanabe completed both undergraduate and graduate studies in composition at Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1999 he won the 3rd prize in the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (judge: Luciano Berio). Other prizes include the 24th Irino Prize (chamber music), the Takefu Composition Award short-list in 2003, a nomination for the 14th Akutagawa Award for Music Composition, and the 9th Keizo Saji Prize (Suntory Foundation for Arts) at the 5th Chronoi Protoi Composition Concert – The Potential of a String Quartet (produced by Toshiya Watanabe). He has received commissions from a range of organizations, such as Music from Japan (2012), HIROSHIMA HAPPY NEW EAR XIV Composers of the Next Generation III (2013). He was invited to Mexico in 2013 as composer in residence of the Tambuco Percussion Ensemble who premiered a number of new works, and in 2014 he helped to organize a Japanese tour by the Canadian string quartet Quatuor Bozzini and staged their first concert entitled “Cage and Beyond”. At present he is an associate professor at Kunitachi College of Music, and a lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts and Meiji Gakuin University.

Quartet Excelsior Yuka Nishino (violin), Haruna Kitami (violin), Yukiko Yoshida (viola), Hajime Otomo (cello)
A permanent quartet formed twenty-six years ago. They were awarded 2nd prize in the string quartet category at the 2nd Osaka International Chamber Music Competition, the top prize at the 5th International String Quartet Competition Premio Paolo Borciani, and the Nippon Steel Music Award, the Nippon Steel Fresh Artist Award and the 16th Hotel Okura Music Award et al. They are proactive in growing audiences for chamber music and in giving training and instruction to the younger generation. The have been artists in residence at the Urayasu Concert Hall since April 2017.

Hideo Kikuchi clarinet
A graduate of Toho Gakuen School of Music, Hideo Kikuchi won 2nd prize in the Japan Society for Contemporary Music competition ‘KyogakuⅡ’ and the scholarship student prize at the International Summer Course for New Music in Darmstadt, Germany. As a member of Ensemble Nomad he won the 2nd Keizo Saji Prize and has been invited to music festivals in Europe, South and Central America and Asia. He is the chairman of the concert promotion company Office-Deku, and a part-time lecturer at Kunitachi College of Music.

Maiko Matsuoka violin
After completing an undergraduate course and research studies at Toho Gakuen School of Music, Maiko Matsuoka moved to Germany to further her education at the International Ensemble Modern Academy (Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts). After playing the violin in ensembles such as Trio Steuermann and Ensemble Linea, she has appeared in concerts with Ensemble Modern and Ensemble Resonanz and has been invited to music festivals around the world. She won 2nd prize in the contemporary music competition ‘Kyogaku Ⅺ’. At present she is a member of Phidias Trio Tokyo and the green room players.

Masanobu Shinoda piano
After completing both undergraduate and graduate studies in composition at Tokyo University of the Arts, Masanobu Shinoda went on to win first prize in the composition section of the 74th Music Competition of Japan and the 9th Keizo Saji Prize. He enjoys an active career composing works commissioned by groups and performers, and as a pianist he has performed numerous new works and has been involved in a wide range of projects. His works, published by the Zen-On Music Company, have been released on CD by fontec and Kojima Recordings.

Contemporary Duo Kousei Murata & Kazue Nakamura
This trombone and piano contemporary music performance unit was established in 2004. Their strongly stated intention is to perform ‘pieces which are distinctive yet able to take their place in the universal repertory’. Their CD ‘Slide Paranoia’ was released in 2013. In 2017 they undertook a five-city tour of Switzerland and Germany (Basel, Mannheim, Cologne, Schreyahn and Berlin).

Kousei Murata trombone
After completing an undergraduate degree at Toho Gakuen School of Music Kousei Murata furthered his studies at the Berlin University of the Arts with the help of a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He has become established as a major performer of contemporary works both in Japan and around the world. At present he is a part-time lecturer at Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music.

Kazue Nakamura piano
Musashino Academia Musicae graduate Kazue Nakamura won first prize at the Japan Contemporary Music Piano Competition and the 20th Century Music Competition in Sitges, Spain. She performs and records contemporary music both in Japan and around the world. At present she is a lecturer at Shobi University and the Yoshiro Irino Institute of Music.

Takui Matsumoto cello
Takui Matsumoto completed both undergraduate and graduate studies at Tokyo University of the Arts. He won the Fukushima Prize while he was still a student. He has performed the Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto at a Tokyo University of the Arts regular concert, and has been invited to numerous music festivals, both in Japan and around the world, including International Gaudeamus Music Week. He has premiered more than 250 new works. Takui is a member of Quartetto Armonico, Ensemble Contemporary α, Ensemble KOCHI, and Ryota Komatsu & Orquesta Tipica, and is a regular guest at Ensemble Nomad. Since 2001 he has been a member of Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra, Tokyo and is at present a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.

Seitaro Ishikawa conductor
Born in 1985, Seitaro Ishikawa studied conducting at Tokyo University of the Arts and the Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf. He won second prize at the 1st Felix Mendelssohn Conducting Competition. He has a wide repertory stretching from the Baroque to the contemporary. Young composers have great faith in him as he has premiered numerous new works both in Japan and around the world. In 2018 he was assistant conductor at the world premiere of the opera Peter Ruzicka‘s opera ‘Benjamin’ at the Hamburg State Opera.

Aki Matsui soprano 
Iwate native Aki Matsui completed her studies to doctoral level at Tokyo University of the Arts. She has won the Acanthus Award, the Doseikai prize and the Mitsubishi Jisho Prize. She won first prize at the Japan-France Vocal Music Competition and the Japanese German Lied Competition, and a finalist at the Music Competition of Japan.
She has participated in concerts and recordings on many occasions with Bach Collegium Japan as soloist and chorister, both in Japan and around the world. Her vocal clarity, secure musicality and rich expressiveness enable her to perform a wide repertory from the Baroque to the contemporary.