山本裕之作品集 輪郭主義
Works of Hiroyuki Yamamoto Contour-ism

ALCD-121 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2019/05/07発売 JAN 4530835 112488
藤田朗子(ピアノ) 中村和枝(ピアノ) 及川夕美(ピアノ) 内本久美(ピアノ) 橋本晋哉(チューバ) 加藤訓子(ヴィブラフォン) 村田厚生(トロンボーン) 佐藤まどか(ヴァイオリン) 多久潤一朗(フルート) ジョヴァンニ・マレッジーニ(フルート) 松本卓以(チェロ) 原田綾子(クラリネット) 鈴木生子(バス・クラリネット)

読売新聞サウンズBOX 推薦盤
日本経済新聞 ディスクレビュー掲載
音楽現代 推薦盤


[1] 輪郭主義Ⅰ チューバとピアノのための (2010)

[2] 輪郭主義Ⅱ 事前録音されたヴィブラフォンとピアノのための (2010/18)

[3] 輪郭主義・ミニ ヴァイオリンとピアノのための (2012)

[4] 輪郭主義Ⅲ トロンボーンとピアノのための (2012)

[5] 輪郭主義Ⅳ フルート、ヴァイオリンとピアノのための (2013)

[6] 輪郭主義Ⅴ フルートとピアノのための (2014)

[7] 輪郭主義Ⅵ ピアノトリオのための (2014)

[8] 輪郭主義Ⅶ クラリネット、バス・クラリネットとピアノのための (2018)

三鷹市芸術文化センター 2018年11月13-15日


(C)Jun'ichi Ishizuka
1967年山形市生まれ、主に神奈川県で育つ。1992年東京藝術大学大学院作曲専攻修了。在学中、作曲を近藤讓、故・松下功の両氏に師事。これまでに第58回日本音楽コンクール第3位(1989)、現音作曲新人賞(1996)、BMW musica viva作曲賞第3位(ドイツ/1998)、武満徹作曲賞第1位(2002)、第13回芥川作曲賞(2003)を受賞。またフォーラム91(カナダ/1991)、ガウデアムス国際音楽週間 '94(オランダ/1994)、ISCM世界音楽の日々(ルクセンブルク/2000、横浜/2001)など、さまざまな音楽祭に入選している。作品はLe Nouvel Ensemble Moderne、Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal、Trio Fibonacci(以上モントリオール)、Nieuw Ensemble、Calefax Reed Quintet(以上アムステルダム)、NZ Trio(オークランド)、POING(オスロ)、バイエルン放送交響楽団(ミュンヘン)、ルクセンブルク・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、カイロ交響楽団、東京都交響楽団、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京混声合唱団、ヴォクスマーナなど各地の演奏団体等により演奏され、またラジオで放送されている。演奏家や演奏団体、放送局等からの委嘱を受けて作曲を行っている傍ら、1990年より作曲家集団「TEMPUS NOVUM」に参加、2002年よりピアニスト中村和枝氏とのコラボレーション「claviarea」を行うなど、コンサートの企画・運営も含むさまざまな活動を展開している。2002年第51回神奈川文化賞未来賞受賞。音楽クラコ座(名古屋)メンバー。現在、愛知県立芸術大学教授。作品の一部はM.A.P. Editions(ミラノ)やBabelScores(パリ)等から出版されている。

藤田朗子 Akiko Fujita (piano)
東京藝術大学音楽学部器楽科、パリ国立高等音楽院伴奏科、同音楽院第三課程室内楽科卒業。ソロのほか、室内楽・新曲初演で国内外の演奏家と共演、CD録音に参加。現代音楽セミナー「秋吉台の夏」、軽井沢国際音楽祭、両国アートフェスティバル等に出演。トム・ ジョンソンの「4音オペラ」にピアニストとして出演(第15回佐治敬三賞受賞)。東京藝術大学ソルフェージュ科及び共立女子大学講師。

中村和枝 Kazue Nakamura (piano)
日本現代音楽ピアノコンクール、スペイン・シッチェス20世紀音楽コンクール、共に優勝。国内外の多くの現代音楽演奏会で演奏・録音を行う。現代音楽ユニット“claviarea”、トロンボーン奏者・村田厚生とのユニット“コンテンポラリー・デュオ 村田厚生&中村和枝”でも活発な演奏活動を展開している。CD ≪to you from・・・≫ ≪松平頼暁・24のエッセーズ≫ をリリース。尚美学園、JML入野義朗音楽研究所講師、「ピアノのアトリエ」主宰。

及川夕美 Yumi Oikawa (piano)

内本久美 Kumi Uchimoto (piano)

橋本晋哉 Shinya Hashimoto (tuba)

加藤訓子 Kuniko Kato (vibraphone)

村田厚生 Kousei Murata (trombone)
桐朋学園大学音楽学部卒業。ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)給費留学生としてベルリン芸術大学卒業。内外の主要な現代音楽祭に出演。「コンテンポラリー・デュオ 村田厚生&中村和枝」、サクバットを使用した「過去にある現在」等シリーズリサイタルで活動中。ドイツ、スイス5都市でも演奏会・レクチャーを行った。ソロ・アルバム「Just Sing」、自作を含む前衛作品を収録した「Slide Paranoia」をリリース中。桐朋学園芸術短期大学非常勤講師。

佐藤まどか Madoka Sato (violin)
東京藝術大学大学院博士後期課程修了。この間ヨーロッパにて研鑽を積み、シベリウスの研究で博士号を取得。シベリウス国際ヴァイオリンコンクール第3位をはじめ入賞多数。ALM「シベリウスのヴァイオリン作品集 Vol.1, Vol.2」、BIS「シベリウス全集第6巻」をリリース。国内外において、ソロや室内楽、現代音楽など多彩な演奏活動を展開。アンサンブル・コンテンポラリーαメンバー。日本シベリウス協会理事。上野学園大学准教授。

多久潤一朗 Jun-ichiro Taku (flute)

ジョヴァンニ・マレッジーニ Giovanni Mareggini (flute)
コンセルトヘボウ室内楽団とモーツァルトのフルート四重奏曲を共演する一方で、イアン・アンダーソン、ポップスのルーチョ・ダッラ、女優のパオラ・ガスマンとのコラボなど 幅広いフィールドでの活躍を続けている。チャイコフスキーの《フルートと弦楽のためのラルゴとアレグロ》を世界初録音。イタリア聖公会の依頼を受け、若者の巡礼者のイタリア全国集会のためのテーマソングを作曲し、法王フランシスコの前で指揮、演奏を行った。

松本卓以 Takui Matsumoto (cello)
1973年東京生まれ。東京藝術大学、同大学院修了。在学中に福島賞受賞。藝大定期にてサン=サーンスのチェロ協奏曲を協演。ガウデアムス国際音楽週間他、国内外の音楽祭に多数出演。クァルテット・アルモニコ、アンサンブル・コンテンポラリーα、アンサンブル東風、小松亮太&オルケスタティピカのメンバー。アンサンブル・ノマド レギュラーゲスト。藝大フィルハーモニア管弦楽団に在籍。東京藝術大学非常勤講師。

原田綾子 Ayako Harada (clarinet)

鈴木生子 Ikuko Suzuki (bass-clarinet)

Hiroyuki Yamamoto(1967-):

[1] Contour-ism Ⅰ (2010)
  Shinya Hashimoto (tuba), Akiko Fujita (piano)

[2] Contour-ism Ⅱ (2010/18)
  Kuniko Kato (vibraphone), Kazue Nakamura (piano)

[3] Contour-ism mini (2012)
   Madoka Sato (violin), Yumi Oikawa (piano)

[4] Contour-ism Ⅲ (2012)
   Kousei Murata (trombone), Kazue Nakamura (piano)

[5] Contour-ism Ⅳ (2013)

Jun-ichiro Taku (flute), Madoka Sato(violin), Yumi Oikawa (piano)

[6] Contour-ism Ⅴ (2014)

Giovanni Mareggini (flute), Kumi Uchimoto (piano)

[7] Contour-ism Ⅵ (2014)

Madoka Sato (violin), Takui Matsumoto (cello), Yumi Oikawa (piano)

[8] Contour-ism Ⅶ (2018)

Ayako Harada (clarinet), Ikuko Suzuki (bass-clarinet), Yumi Oikawa (piano)

Recording Location: Mitaka City Arts Center, 13-15 November 2018

Hiroyuki Yamamoto (composer)
Born in Yamagata in 1967, Hiroyuki Yamamoto spent most of his youth in Kanagawa Prefecture, and completed post-graduate studies in composition at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1992. He studied composition with Jo Kondo and the late Isao Matsushita. So far, he has won numerous prizes, including 3rd prize in the 58th Music Competition of Japan (1989), the JSCM Award for Composers (1996), 3rd place in the BMW musica viva Composition Prize (Germany/1998), 1st prize in the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award (2002), and the 13th Akutagawa Award For Music Composition (2003). Other awards include Forum 91 (Canada/1991), International Gaudeamus Music Week ’94 (Holland/1994), ISCM World Music Days (Luxemburg/2000, Yokohama/2001) etc. His compositions have been performed by ensembles such as Le Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Ensemble Contemporain de Montréal, Trio Fibonacci (all three of which are based in Montreal), Nieuw Ensemble, Calefax Reed Quintet (both of which are based in Amsterdam), NZ Trio (Auckland), POING (Oslo), Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (Munich), Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra, Cairo Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, The Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo, Vox humana etc, and have been broadcast on radio. In addition to commissions from performers, ensembles and broadcasters, Hiroyuki has been a member of the ‘TEMPUS NOVUM’ group of composers since 1990, he has collaborated with the pianist Kazue Nakamura under the title of ‘claviarea’ since 2002 and has pursued an active career both planning and managing concerts. In 2002 he was presented with the Kanagawa Culture Award – Outstanding Youth Award. He is a member of the Nagoya based Musica QuLacoza, and is a professor at the Aichi University of the Arts. His compositions are published by companies such as M.A.P. Editions (Milan) and BabelScores (Paris).

Akiko Fujita (piano)
Akiko Fujita is a graduate of the Department of Instrumental Music at the Tokyo University of the Arts, and of both undergraduate and graduate studies in accompaniment at the Conservatoire de Paris. In addition to her work as a soloist, she enjoys an active career as a chamber musician, a performer of new works both in Japan and around the world, and as a recording artist. She has played at seminars and festivals such as ‘Akiyoshidai’s Summer Contemporary Music Festival’, the Karuizawa International Music Festival and Ryogoku Art Festival, and participated in ‘The Four-Note Opera’ by Tom Johnson (which won the 15th Keizo Saji Prize). At present she is a lecturer in the solfege course at the Tokyo University of the Arts, and at Kyoritsu Women’s University.

Kazue Nakamura (piano)
Winner of the Japan Contemporary Music Piano Competition and the 20th Century Music Competition in Sitges, Spain, Kazue Nakamura performs and records contemporary music both in Japan and around the world. She is an enthusiastic collaborator, both as a member of the contemporary music unit ‘claviarea’ and with the trombonist Kousei Murata in the ‘Contemporary Duo Kousei Murata & Kazue Nakamura’. She has released a CD entitled ‘to you from…’ which is a recording of 24 Essays by Yori-Aki Matsudaira. Kazue teaches at Shobi University and the Yoshiro Irino Institute of Music and runs the ‘Atelier de piano’.

Yumi Oikawa (piano)
A graduate of both the Music High School attached to the Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts and that institution's Department of Instrumental Music, Yumi Oikawa launched her career as a performer of contemporary music while still a student and has since premiered a large number of new works. She is a member of Ensemble Contemporary α, Ensemble KOCHI and of the Association Franco-Japonaise de la Musique Contemporaine. She is a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Seitoku College.

Kumi Uchimoto (piano)
Kumi Uchimoto studied with Minoru Uchimoto, Chieko Hara and Ryoko Fukasawa. After graduating from the Conservatorio de Bolzano Claudio Monteverdi with top-class honors, she continued her studies at the 'Incontri col Maestro' International Piano Academy. She has participated in concerts all over Europe as soloist with the Icarus Ensemble, one of Italy's best-known groups, the United States, South America and Japan, including illustrious venues such as the Teatro alla Scala. She is frequently invited to take part in festivals of contemporary music around the world.

Shinya Hashimoto (tuba)
Born in 1971, Shinya Hashimoto plays the tuba and the serpent. He has participated in the Suntory Foundation for Arts' Summer festival (2008, 2010, 2016), COMPOSIUM 2009, Hiroshima Happy New Year 19, Akiyoshidai's Summer Contemporary Music Festival, the Tokyo Opera City recital series 'B→C', and in NHK-FM recitals. He teaches at the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. He won the 2014 Keizo Saji Prize at the Tokyo Gen'On Project and is a member of the teionduo.

Kuniko Kato (vibraphone)
“Mastering the composer’s complex and multi-level rhythmic notation and pinpoint dynamic indications may well represent a kind of rite of passage to percussion virtuosos. Kuniko passes this rite triumphantly”, acclaimed the authoritative British music magazine Gramophone, and The Sunday Times described Kuniko as giving “meticulous and muscular performances, at once elemental and elegant. Brilliant”. A graduate of the Toho Gakuen School of Music, Kuniko Kato graduated with summa cum laude from the Rotterdam Conservatoire (codarts). She has won numerous prizes, including the 12th Keizo Saji Prize and the excellence award from the 73rd national Arts Festival by Agency for Cultural Affairs Japan. She is the only Japanese artist to have released recordings on the prestigious Scottish label Linn.

Kousei Murata (trombone)
Toho Gakuen School of Music graduate Kousei Murata furthered his studies at the Berlin University of the Arts as a recipient of a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship. He has performed at major contemporary music festivals both in Japan and around the world. He enjoys an active career as a member of the ‘Contemporary Duo Kousei Murata & Kazue Nakamura’ and as a sackbut player in the ‘Present in the Past’ recital series. He has given concerts and lectures in five German and Swiss cities. His solo albums ‘Just Sing’ and ‘Slide Paranoia’ an album of avant garde works including some of his own compositions, have been released. He is a part-time lecturer at the Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music.

Madoka Sato (violin)
While completing her doctoral studies at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Madoka Sato furthered her studies in Europe, specializing in the music of Jean Sibelius on whom she wrote her thesis. She has won numerous prizes, including 3rd prize in the Jean Sibelius International Violin Competition. She has released a number of CDs, including Vols 1 and 2 of the ‘Sibelius Works for Violin and Piano’ series for ALM Records, and Volume 6 of ‘The Sibelius Edition’ for BIS. She enjoys an active career as a soloist, chamber musician and performer of contemporary music both in Japan and around the world and is a member of Ensemble Contemporary α. Madoka is the Director of the Sibelius Society of Japan and is an associate-professor at Ueno Gakuen University.

Jun-ichiro Taku (flute)
As a member of the contemporary music ensemble BOIS, Jun-ichiro Taku has premiered works by Japanese and international composers since he was a student at the Tokyo University of the Arts. He has performed as a soloist with numerous orchestras, including the New Japan Philharmonic. As the leader of the next-generation flute ensemble ‘Magnum Trio’ he has been invited to give concerts in countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and Korea.

Giovanni Mareggini (flute)
Flautist Giovanni Mareggini pursues a varied career; he combines membership in the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra and performances of Mozart flute quartets with collaborations with Ian Anderson, the pop-musician Lucio Dalla and the actress Paola Gassman. He made the world premiere recording of the 'Largo and Allegro for flute and strings' by Tchaikovsky, and was commissioned by the Italian church to compose a hymn for a gathering of young pilgrims from all over Italy, which he conducted in the presence of Pope Francis.

Takui Matsumoto (cello)
Born in Tokyo in 1973, Takui Matsumoto completed both under-graduate and graduate studies at the Tokyo University of the Arts, winning the Fukushima Prize while he was still a student. He performed the Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto at a Tokyo University of the Arts regular concert. He has been invited to numerous music festivals in Japan and around the world, including the International Gaudeamus Music Week. He is a member of Quartetto Armonico, Ensemble Contemporary α, Ensemble KOCHI, and Ryota Komatsu & Orquesta Tipica, and is a regular guest of Ensemble Nomad. At present he is a member of the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra,Tokyo and is a part-time lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts.

Ayako Harada (clarinet)
Clarinetist Ayako Harada completed both under-graduate and graduate studies at the Tokyo University of the Arts. She won first price in the 6th Japan Woodwind Competition and in the 12th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition. She went on to study at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon as a recipient of a Rohm Music Foundation scholarship, and then furthered her studies when she was awarded Cultural Affairs Agency funding for research students studying abroad. On completing her studies Ayako returned to Japan, launched her career as a freelance performer and took up a post at the Aichi University of the Arts. She was an associate professor until she retired in March 2018.

Ikuko Suzuki (bass-clarinet)
After graduating from the Tokyo University of the Arts, Ikuko Suzuki completed a master's course at the Manhattan School of Music and an additional master's course in bass clarinet at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. She won an honorable mention at the Kirishima international Music Festival and has been awarded the Global Youth Prize. Ikuko is a member of Ensemble Contemporary α, Hobereaux Clarinet Ensemble, and NY Licorice Ensemble, and has premiered numerous contemporary works. At present she teaches at the Tokyo Metropolitan Senior high School of the Fine Arts, Performing Arts & Classical Music.