Ensemble Nomad[現代中国の作曲家たち]シリーズ 楊曉忠 室内楽作品集
Chamber Works of Yang Xiaozhong
杨晓忠 室内乐作品集

ALCD-109 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2015/09/07発売  JAN 4530835 111023
Ensemble Nomad (Norio Sato, conductor)
Shiniti Uéno & PHONIX-Réflexion, percussion ensemble
Mao Ya, zheng
Wu Wei, sheng

レコード芸術 準特選盤

[1]-[4] 積雲(5つの打楽器のための)(2012)
上野信一&フォニックス・レフレクション(打楽器) [上野信一(指揮)/荻原松美/峯崎圭輔/悪原 至/新野将之/大場 俊]

[5] 口琴(弦楽四重奏のための)(2014)
花田和加子(ヴァイオリン I)川口静華(ヴァイオリン II)甲斐史子(ヴィオラ)松本卓以(チェロ)

[6] 漂う背景(サクソフォン四重奏のための)(2009)

[7] 蜀江錦の絵(古筝独奏のための)(2010)

[8] 花の夜―婚礼の夜(フルート、ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラのための)(2001)

[9] 払子(ほっす)Ⅱ(中国笙とシンフォニエッタのための)(2008)

〈録音〉相模湖交流センター 2015年1月30日、2月24-26日、3月29日
    横浜市栄区民文化センターリリス 2015年2月23日


Yang Xiaozhong楊曉忠(作曲)

Ensemble Nomad
(Photo: Higashi Akitoshi)
 1997年、ギタリスト佐藤紀雄の呼びかけによって集まった、無類の個性豊かな演奏家によって結成されたアンサンブル。「NOMAD」(遊牧、漂流)の名にふさわしく、時代やジャンルを超えた幅広いレパートリーを自在に採り上げ、斬新なアイデアやテーマによるプログラムによって独自の世界を表現するアンサンブルとして内外から注目されてきた。2002年度に行った定期演奏会「ケージとメシアンの間で交わす自然と宇宙に関する往復書簡」は大きな反響をよび、サントリー音楽財団「第2回佐治敬三賞」を、2014年度に行った定期演奏会「再生へVol. 3:祈り~エストニアから震災復興を祈るコンサート」により「ウィーン・フィル&サントリー音楽復興祈念賞」を受賞した。海外からの招待も多く、2000年オランダの「ガウデアムス音楽週間」、2003年ベネズエラで行なわれた「フェスティバル・アテンポ」、2005年11月パリで行われた「フェスティバル・アテンポ」およびイギリスの「ハダースフィールド現代音楽祭」、2007年にはメキシコの「モレリア音楽祭」、また2008年10月にはソウルでの「パン・ムジーク・フェスティヴァル」などに出演。2009年秋には、中国の北京首都師範大学、北京中央音楽学院、四川音楽学院で中国人作品を中心としたプログラムの公演を行ない、好評を博した。2011年には2度目の韓国公演を開催。2013年7月にはエストニアとオランダで公演を開催。また2014年にはメキシコのセルバンティーノ音楽祭に日本を代表するアンサンブルの1つとして招聘された。今後もスイスやフィンランドなどでの公演を予定している。

Yang Xiaozhong:
● [1]-[4] Cloud Cluster for Five Percussion Players (2012)
Shiniti Uéno & PHONIX-Réflexion, percussion
[Shiniti Uéno, conductor / Matsumi Ogihara / Keisuke Minezaki / Itaru Akuhara / Masayuki Niino / Shun Oba]

●[5] Kou Xian for String Quartet (2014)
Wakako Hanada, violin I / Shizuka Kawaguchi, violin II / Fumiko Kai, viola / Takui Matsumoto cello

●[6] Floating Backdrop for Saxophone Quartet (2009)
Masanori Oishi, soprano saxophone / Ryoko Egawa, alto saxophone / Yuko Tomioka, tenor saxophone / Hiroshi Suzuki, baritone saxophone

●[7] Painting of Shu Brocade for Zheng solo (2010)
Mao Ya, zheng

●[8] Hua Ye - Wedding Night for Flute, Violin & Viola (2001)
Dogen Kinowaki, flute / Wakako Hanada, violin / Fumiko Kai, viola

●[9] Horsetail Whisk II for Sheng and Sinfonietta (2008)
Wu Wei, sheng / Atsushi Uchiyama, clarinet / Ikuko Nishio, bass clarinet / Ryoko Egawa, soprano saxophone / Hiroshi Suzuki, alto saxophone / Kenshow Hagiwara, horn / Shinya Hashimoto, tuba / Noriko Miyamoto, percussion / Satoshi Inagaki, piano / Wakako Hanada, violin / Fumiko Kai, viola / Takui Matsumoto cello / Norio Sato, conductor

YANG XIAOZHONG, is the professor of Sichuan Conservatory of Music and the dean of Composition Department. He also holds the position of the head of composition teaching and research section.

Prof. Yang is the very first person who has put forward the theory of “composing technique of non-linear regression” and adopted it into his composition works. With his paper of “The feasibility study of composing technique of non-linear regression” and practices, Prof. Yang has formed his own remarkable music language and composing style.

In his academic career until now, Prof. Yang has won “the Best Works Award” of the Central Propaganda Department; “Splendour (Huabiao) Award” of the Ministry of Culture; “Golden Bell Award” of Chinese Music Association and “Sichuan Provincial Teaching Achievement Award” of People’s Government of Sichuan Province. He has been pointed to be the Music Director in many national cultural events, and been rewarded by the Ministry of Education of China and the State administration of Radio Film and Television. Prof. Yang and his music is recognised internationally as well. He has been invited to the international music festivals held by ISCM and ACL. His music has been performed in dozens of countries and regions in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania, and has also been published worldwide.

Ensemble Nomad
Formed in 1997, Ensemble NOMAD has been highly acclaimed both nationally and internationally as one of the leading ensembles in the world specializing in the 20th-century and contemporary music. Led by Norio Sato (guitarist/conductor), Ensemble NOMAD has brought to life many compositions that are rarely performed but are sure to become 20th- and 21st -century classics. True to its name, Ensemble NOMAD is infinitely flexible and spontaneous in programming the concerts, and the regular concerts, now approaching 50, at Tokyo Opera City have become the "events" that cannot be missed in the contemporary music scene in Japan. For its unique programming and high-quality performance, Ensemble NOMAD was awarded the “KEIZO SAJI Prize” in 2003, and “The Vienna Philharmonic and Suntory Music Aid Award” in 2014 from the Suntory Cultural Foundation.
Ensemble NOMAD’s fields of activity is growing rapidly overseas, starting with the invitation to Amsterdam in autumn 2000 to perform at Gaudeamus Week. Since, the ensemble has made appearances in music festivals in Venezuela, Mexico, France, Belgium, Britain, Korea, China, the Netherlands and Estonia, and future invitations include Finland and Switzerland. In recent years, the ensemble has launched its community engagement programs, in which the ensemble visits schools, nurseries, hospitals and care homes to share the joy of music with those who have limited access to concerts and concert venues.
Ensemble NOMAD’s performance can be heard on CDs. 9 CDs have been released of works by leading Japanese composers, Jo Kondo, Hidemi Ishida, Norio Fukushi and Shinichiro Ikebe. “Bestiario”, a selection of chamber compositions by a Mexican composer Hebert Vazquez was released internationally 2011, and the latest CD album “Meguru” was released in May 2014.
Official Website: www.ensemble-nomad.com

Yang Xiaozhong:
● [1]-[4] 云团(为五位打击乐手而作)(2012)
Shiniti Uéno & PHONIX-Réflexion, percussion
[Shiniti Uéno, conductor / Matsumi Ogihara / Keisuke Minezaki / Itaru Akuhara / Masayuki Niino / Shun Oba]

●[5] 口弦(弦乐四重奏)(2014)
Wakako Hanada, violin I / Shizuka Kawaguchi, violin II / Fumiko Kai, viola / Takui Matsumoto cello

●[6] 移动的背景(萨克斯管四重奏)(2009)
Masanori Oishi, soprano saxophone / Ryoko Egawa, alto saxophone / Yuko Tomioka, tenor saxophone / Hiroshi Suzuki, baritone saxophone

●[7] 蜀锦图(古筝独奏)(2010)
Mao Ya, zheng

●[8] 花夜(为长笛、小提琴和中提琴而作)(2001)
Dogen Kinowaki, flute / Wakako Hanada, violin / Fumiko Kai, viola

●[9] 拂尘Ⅱ(笙与小交)(2008)
Wu Wei, sheng / Atsushi Uchiyama, clarinet / Ikuko Nishio, bass clarinet / Ryoko Egawa, soprano saxophone / Hiroshi Suzuki, alto saxophone / Kenshow Hagiwara, horn / Shinya Hashimoto, tuba / Noriko Miyamoto, percussion / Satoshi Inagaki, piano / Wakako Hanada, violin / Fumiko Kai, viola / Takui Matsumoto cello / Norio Sato, conductor

杨 晓忠