ALCD-102 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2014/11/07発売 JAN 4530835 110682
Mizuki Aita, percussion
朝日新聞 for your Collection 推薦盤(記事へ)
[1] 末吉保雄:西へ —ヴィブラフォン・ソロのために— (2013)
[2] 田口和行:回鼓録 —独奏打楽器のための— (2013)
[3] 内藤明美:独奏打楽器奏者のための砂の女 (2012)
[4] 国枝春恵:Azuma-ha-ya for solo percussionist (2014)
[5] 糀場富美子:ねむりの海へ —ヴィブラフォンのために— (2014)
[6]-[8] 水野修孝:ヴィブラフォン独奏のための三章 (2013)
[9] 羽根玲夢:星めぐりの記憶 (2014)
〈録音〉三鷹市芸術文化センター 2014年5月28-29日
Mizuki Aita會田瑞樹(パーカッション)
打楽器奏者。1988 年宮城県仙台市生まれ。幼少よりヴァイオリンの手ほどきを受け、12 歳より打楽器を始める。
日本現代音楽協会主催第9回現代音楽演奏コンクール「競楽Ⅸ」において第二位入賞。以降現在に至るまで多数の作曲家の新作初演を手がけており、その数は2013 年末に50 作品を越えた。作曲家との親密なコンタクトと相互の信頼から生み出される初演と幾度に渡る再演は、多方面から支持を集めている。2011年に自らが企画し、出演したサントリーホールレインボウ21「打楽器音楽、その創造と継承」でサントリーホールにデビューし、同年、高橋美智子氏より長年使い続けてきたヴィブラフォンを譲り受ける。その事をきっかけにヴィブラフォンの魅力の更なる開拓を求めて、2012年に初となるヴィブラフォンソロリサイタルを開催し、毎年シリーズとして開催し続けている。2012年には夭折の作曲家八村義夫の音楽と生涯を独自の視点で辿った演奏会「八村義夫の世界」を東京文化会館において開催。大きな話題となった。2014 年はNHK-FM「リサイタル・ノヴァ」への出演、翌月に行なわれたパーカッションリサイタルは満員の聴衆を沸かせた。武蔵野音楽大学ヴィルトゥオーソ学科打楽器専攻卒業。同大学院修士課程ヴィルトゥオーソコース修了。打楽器、マリンバを吉原すみれ、神谷百子の両氏に師事。
[1] Yasuo Sueyoshi: to the west for vibraphone solo (2013)
[2] Kazuyuki Taguchi: Memoirs Drums for percussion solo (2013)
[3] Akemi Naito: The Woman in the Dunes for solo percussionist (2012)
[4] Harue Kunieda: Azuma-ha-ya for solo percussionist (2014)
[5] Tomiko Kohjiba: To Dozing Sea for vibraphone (2014)
[6]-[8] Shuko Mizuno: Three movements for solo vibraphone (2013)
[9] Reimu Hane: Memory of following stars (2014)
Mizuki Aita percussion
Percussionist Mizuki Aita was born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, in 1988. He started learning the violin at a young age, and began playing percussion instruments when he was twelve years old. He studied the basics of percussion with Yasushi Sasaki, Ritsuko Hoshi, Makoto Aruga and Takafumi Fujimoto.
Since winning second prize in the 9th Japan Society for Contemporary Music Competition (Kyogaku IX) he has premiered more than fifty compositions by numerous composers. These premieres, born out of close contact and mutual trust between the composer and performer, and further performances of the same works, have been widely acclaimed. In 2011 Mizuki made his Suntory Hall debut in a concert which he organized himself, entitled Rainbow 21 Suntory Hall Concert “The Sound of Percussion Music - its Creativity and Inheritance”, and in the same year Michiko Takahashi gave him the vibraphone she had used for many years. This deepened Mizuki’s interest in the unique appeal of the instrument, and he gave the first of his annual solo recitals the following year. In 2012 he organized a a concert at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, entitled “The World of Yoshio Hachimura” as a tribute to the composer who died at the young age of forty seven. The concert was a much talked about event. In 2014, his appearance on the NHK-FM program Recital Nova was so successful that his percussion recital a month later was sold out. Mizuki specialized in percussion in the Department of Virtuoso at the Musashino Academia Musicae. He completed post-graduate studies at the same institution, thus completing the virtuoso course. He studied percussion and the marimba with Sumire Yoshihara and Momoko Kamiya.
Official Website: http://mizukiaita.tabigeinin.com