万葉の恋歌~箏歌〈Koto Uta〉をうたう~
Man'yo no Koi Uta

ALCD-9131 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2013/08/07発売 JAN 4530835 110194下野戸亜弓(箏・歌)

Ayumi Simonoto, koto & vocals

諸井誠:秋の琴 〜もうひとつのレクイエム〜(詩:中村稔 詩集『幻花抄』より/諸井誠編)

〈録音〉高崎シティギャラリー 2013年3月7-8、19日

Ayumi Shimonoto: Man’yō no Koi Uta [Love Songs from the Man’yōshū]
Michio Kitazume: Renku〈koto/vocal version〉 (text from Haikai shichibushū by the Bashō School)
Yamada Kengyo: Hastune no Kyoku (text by Taio Yokota)
Kiyoshige Koyama: Two People Under A Tree (text from Chiekoshō by Kotaro Takamura)
Makoto Moroi: Autumn Koto ~Another Requiem~ (text from Genkashō by Minoru Nakamura)

Recording Location: Takasaki City Gallery, 7-8 & 19 March 2013


「弾き歌い」を中心に据えた独自の活動が高い評価を受けている音楽家・下野戸亜弓(しものとあゆみ)。その類い稀なる歌声が箏の響きと一体となって醸し出す世界は、いにしえからの日本の美意識に貫かれている。斬新な発想に裏打ちされた山田検校の古典、万葉集に題材をとった自作曲からグレゴリオ聖歌とハの字型に配置された2面の箏が結びついた諸井誠の大作《秋の琴 〜もうひとつのレクイエム〜》まで、詩と音楽による精緻な小宇宙が展開される。古さが新しさを呼び、伝統が未来を作る。日本の〈いま〉を映し出す、これが箏歌の真骨頂!

下野戸 亜弓(箏・歌)

Ayumi Shimonoto
Ayumi Shimonoto is a Yamada School koto performer. She graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a degree in traditional Japanese music and completed her Master’s degree at the same institution. She graduated from the 35th Hōgaku Ginōsha Ikusei-kai (NHK School for Young Professionals) and taught as a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1990 she performed for Emperor Akihito of Japan. Since 1993, she has presented many solo recitals and concerts of traditional Japanese music. She has performed in many genres, including traditional Japanese music, dance, Buddhist chanting, gagaku, and theatrical recitations, and participates in a wide variety of related activities, including NHK-FM radio broadcasts, CD projects, movie soundtracks, and stage productions. In addition to her activities with classical repertoire, she has commissioned and premiered many new works from contemporary composers such as Michio Kitazume, Yūji Takahashi, and Rikuya Terashima. She has adopted many literary works of Kenji Miyazawa, and is involved in a broad range of activities to develop and expand compositions for the koto and vocal narrative genres. While based on vocalization techniques from traditional Japanese musical genres, her vocal skills have been highly praised, regardless of whether she is singing Japanese or Western music. Her CD releases include “Ayumi Shimonoto’s Koto Recital 2005.” Her publications include “Story of the Child Spirit for Koto and Vocal Narration,” “Hōjuri/Itatsuki, from two short poems composed immediately before Kenji Miyazawa’s death,” and “Man’yō no Koi Uta/Love Songs from the Man’yōshū” (Mother Earth Co., Ltd.). She received honorable mention in the 2011 Gunma Prefecture Mesena Cultural Arts competition. She is a member of the Koto Reformation Society, a non-profit Sankyoku Performance/Research Group, the Research Society for Japanese Song, the Musical Note Society, and the Kenji Miyazawa Society. She is President of the Ayumi Shimonoto Society. For more information, visit http://shimonoto.jp