
ALCD-7183 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2014/03/07発売 JAN 4530835 110446上野信一(打楽器)

Shiniti Uéno, percussion
Yusuke Satoh, piano
Rikuya Terashima, piano
Yusuke Ishii, piano

Yusuke Satoh & Shiniti Uéno[1]-[3] ネボーシャ・ジヴコヴィッチ:クアジ・ウナ・ソナタ(ソナタ風)作品29 (2001/rev. 2006) 世界初録音
[4] 西村朗:デュオローグ ティンパニとピアノのための (1996) 世界初録音
[5]-[7] ジャン・バリッサ:打楽器とオーケストラのためのコンチェルティーノ[ピアノ伴奏版] (1972) 世界初録音
[8] ジョン・ササス:マトルズ・ダンス (1991)
[9]-[12] アンドレ・ジョリヴェ:打楽器のための協奏曲[ピアノ伴奏版](1958)

ピアノ:佐藤祐介 [1]-[3], [8]
ピアノ:石井佑輔 [9]-[12]

〈録音〉相模湖交流センター 2013年6月18-21日&8月26-29日


Rikuya Terashima & Shiniti Uéno上野信一(打楽器)
 国立音楽大学首席卒業。フランス国立音楽院連合コンクール最上級課程第一位、パリ国際現代音楽コンクール打楽器部門特別賞など、受賞歴多数。仏ストラスブール・フィルハーモニー打楽器奏者、トゥールーズ・キャピトル国立管弦楽団主席打楽器・ティンパニ奏者を歴任。帰国後はソリストとして活躍、新作初演は50曲以上。2007年、国際打楽器芸術世界大会(PASIC)、同欧州パリ大会など海外での招待演奏も好評を博す。近年、高橋悠治、安倍圭子、マルチメディア・アーティストのジャン・バティスト・バリエールとの共演など、活動の幅を広げている。国立音楽大学非常勤講師。ソロCDに「プサッファ 二十世紀打楽器芸術集 Vol.1」、高橋悠治とのデュオ・リサイタルのライブ「花の世界」(共にムジカ・ヴィヴァンテ)がある。


 東京藝術大学作曲科卒、同大学院修了。86年第1回摂津音楽祭L. C. コンクール金賞受賞。オペラシアターこんにゃく座での演奏や、97年東京都現代美術館でのポンピドー・コレクション展開催記念サティ連続コンサート「伝統の変装」、03年パリ日本文化会館における作品個展「東洋・西洋の音楽の交流」などは高く評価され、06年にはタングルウッド音楽祭に招かれボストン交響楽団のメンバーと自作を含む室内楽を演奏した。作曲のほか、ピアノの演奏や指揮、音楽祭の音楽監督など、活動は多方面にわたる。オペラや合唱曲、室内楽曲など作品多数。CDへの録音も多い。

 第14回ハビエル・モンサルヴァーチェ国際ピアノ現代音楽コンクール2位、オルレアン国際21世紀ピアノコンクールにてナディア・ブーランジェ賞、アンドレ・ジョリヴェ賞を受賞。イヴァル・ミカショフ・トラスト第6回ピアニスト/作曲家委嘱プロジェクト優勝。2013年アンスティチュ・フランセのレジデンス・アーティスト。その他新曲初演等にて多くの作曲家の演奏に関わっている。コジマ録音より「ジョリヴェ/ヴァレーズ ピアノ作品集」、またフランスのLyrinxより「A. ジョリヴェ/J. ルノ ピアノ作品集」をリリース。

Yusuke Ishii & Shiniti Uéno[1]-[3] Nebojša Jovan Živković: Quasi una Sonata op.29 [World premiere recording]
[4] Akira Nishimura: Duologue for timpani and piano [World premiere recording]
[5]-[7] Jean Balissat: Concertino pour percussion et orchestre (Réduction pour percussion et piano) [World premiere recording]
[8] John Psathas: Matre’s Dance for piano and percussion
[9]-[12] André Jolivet: Concerto pour percussion (Réduction pour percussion et piano)

Yusuke Satoh, piano [1]-[3], [8]
Rikuya Terashima, piano [4]-[7]
Yusuke Ishii, piano [9]-[12]

Shiniti Uéno
Shiniti Uéno, a multi-percussionist and founder and leader of Phonix Reflexion, graduated from Kunitachi College of Music and continued his studies at the Strasbourg National Conservatory with Jean Batiqne, Sylvio Gualda and Jean-Pierre Drouet. His awards include first prize at the “Concours Interregional des Conservatoires Nationaux de Region de France,” a special award at the “Concours International pour Interpretation de la Musique Contemporaine pour Percussion,” and third prize at the “Concours International d’Execution Musicale Maria Canals, Discipline Percussion Solo.” Uéno was a percussionist for Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg and principal percussionist and timpanist for Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse. Also active as a soloist, he has presented world and Japanese premieres of more than fifty works by composers such as N. T. Dao, Maki Ishii, William Kraft, Isao Matsushita, Akira Nishimura, Kaija Saariaho, Yjji Takahashi, and Iannis Xenakis. Currently living in Tokyo, Uéno is on the faculty of Kunitachi College of Music. He is a YAMAHA percussion player.

Yusuke Satoh
Yusuke Sato started composing at the age 11, and started to play the piano at the age 12. Although he did not begin taking lessons until he was 14, he produced and performed his first solo recital when he was 15 years old. Since then he has won many awards, including first prize at the Kyogaku X of the Contemporary Music Performance Competition founded by the Japan Society for Contemporary Music. He won the Asahi Contemporary Music Award and the Audience Award for the same performance. He has been praised for his intellectual interpretations and musical sensitivity. He has performed abroad extensively, including in Italy, France, and Germany. His repertoire includes German and French Baroque music, late romanticism, Czech classicism, and contemporary music, including the most recent compositions from the 21th century as well as the works of various Japanese composers.

Rikuya Terashima
Rikuya Terashima studied composition at Tokyo University of the Arts and acquired his master’s degree in 1992. His performances, including the collaboration with The Opera Theater Konnyaku-za and “Cultural Exchange of the East and the West” held at Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris in 2003, have been highly acclaimed. Terashima has written compositions for chamber orchestra, chorus, traditional Japanese instruments as well as operas such as Suetsumu-hana (based on The Tale of Genji) and The Life of Galileo (based on Bertolt Brecht’s play). In addition to performing together with many established musicians domestically and internationally, he has been actively involved in recordings; he has also been displaying his versatile talent in conducting and producing concerts. He has recorded numerous CDs, including “Continent・Peninsula・Islands−Works of Rikuya Terashima” (ALCD-9026).

Yusuke Ishii
Yusuke Ishii graduated from Kunitachi College of Music as a composition major. He then earned his DFS of music theory, writing, and vocal accompaniment at the National Higher Conservatory of Music. He also studied piano at the Conservatory of Boulogne-Billancourt and at the International Ensemble Modern Academy at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. He has won the 2nd prize at the 14th Xavier Montsalvatge International Competition of contemporary music for piano; both the Nadia Boulanger special prize and the André Jolivet special prize at the 8th Orléans International Piano Competition; and first prize at the 6th Yvar Mikhashoff Trust for New Music competition for pianist/composer collaborations. In 2013, he was an artist-in-residence at the Institut Français. Besides performing extensively in Japan as well as in Europe, he has premiered many pieces of contemporary composers, some of which are world premiers. He has recorded two CDs: “André Jolivet & Edgard Varèse Oeuvres pour Piano” (ALM RECORDS) and “André Jolivet - Jacques Lenot” (Lyrinx).