
ALCD-3107 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2015/11/07発売 JAN 4530835 111085吉岡次郎(フルート)

Jiro Yoshioka, flute
Hiroshi Nagao, piano

音楽現代 推薦盤

[1]-[2] P.ゴーベール:幻想曲風ソナチネ
[3]-[5] M.ラヴェル(吉岡次郎編):ソナチネ
[6] P.サンカン:ソナチネ
[7] H.デュティユー:ソナチネ
[8]-[10] H.トマジ:ソナチネ
[11] P.ブーレーズ:ソナチネ
[12]-[14] E.バートン:ソナチネ

〈録音〉相模湖交流センター 2015年3月17-19日


Jiro Yoshioka          (Photo: Hitomi Kunihiro)吉岡次郎(フルート)

 東京都出身。武蔵野音楽大学卒業後、1999年 スイスに留学。
 2002年 バーゼル音楽大学大学院にて、国家演奏家資格を最優秀の成績で取得し卒業。在学中ジュネーヴにて、現代音楽専門の室内オーケストラ「Ensemble Contrechamps」のメンバーとして演奏会に参加。2002-03年 バーゼル交響楽団研修団員。その後カールスルーエ音楽大学にて室内楽を学び帰国。
 第12回日本フルートコンヴェンションコンクール・ピッコロ部門第2位、第3回東京音楽コンクール木管部門 最高位(1位なし2位)入賞。2004年 東京文化会館にて日本演奏連盟・文化庁主催のソロ・リサイタルを皮切りに東京、大阪、パリ等、国内外で定期的にソロ・リサイタルなどの演奏活動を行う。ソリストとしてこれまでに名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団等と共演。2008-09年 神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団契約首席奏者。2010-11年度 (財)地域創造「公共ホール音楽活性化事業」登録アーティスト。2011年 自身4回目となるリサイタル「協奏曲の夕べ」を開催し、シュニーダー作曲「フルートと打楽器のための協奏曲」を日本初演。これまでに4枚のCDアルバム「マンハッタンの風」、「ドビュッシー×ラヴェル 双璧の風」「疾風怒濤 吉岡次郎フルートリサイタル」、「アシュグの唄」 をリリース。フルートを白尾 隆、フェリックス・レングリ、笠井 潔、レナーテ・グライス=アルミンの諸氏に師事。現在はソリスト、室内楽奏者、オーケストラの客演奏者として演奏活動する他、後進の指導を行っている。ムラマツ・フルートレッスンセンター講師。桐朋学園芸術短期大学音楽学部、洗足学園音楽大学講師。(公財)ニューフィルハーモニーオーケストラ千葉 楽員。


Hiroshi Nagao長尾洋史(ピアノ)

 CDは、「エボカシオン」「長尾洋史プレイズ ラヴェル&ドビュッシー」(ライブノーツ)、「メシアン:アーメンの幻影(2台ピアノ/共演:藤原亜美)」、「リスト&レーガーを弾く」(コジマ録音)などをリリース。またメゾ・ソプラノの加納悦子のCD「メアリ・スチュアート女王の詩~シューマン後期歌曲集」で共演。同ディスクが2013年度(第51回)「レコード・アカデミー賞声楽曲部門」を受賞するなど、新しい境地を開き、活動は多岐にわたっている。

[1]-[2] Sonatine Quasi Fantasia (Philippe Gaubert)
[3]-[5] Sonatine pour flûte et piano (Maurice Ravel / arr. Jiro Yoshioka)
[6] Sonatine pour flûte et piano (Pierre Sancan)
[7] Sonatine pour flûte et piano (Henri Dutilleux)
[8]-[10] Sonatine pour flûte seule (Henri Tomasi)
[11] Sonatine pour flûte et piano (Pierre Boulez)
[12]-[14] Sonatina for flute and piano (Eldin Burton)

Jiro Yoshioka, flute
Jiro Yoshioka was born in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae, he continued studying music in “Konzert Klasse” of “Musik-Akademie der Stadt Basel”, Switzerland, where he obtained first place and graduated with “Konzert Diplom”. While in college, he joined the concerts of the Ensemble Contrechamps, a chamber orchestra specializing in contemporary music.
After being a Praktikant of the “Sinfonieorchester Basel” in 2002-03, he studied chamber music, especially music for wind quintettes, in “Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe”,Germany, and returned to his native country.
Passing the audition for En-Ren selection concerts, in 2004 he had a debut solo recital under the sponsorship of Japan Federation of Musicians and the National Agency for Cultural Affairs at Tokyo-Bunka Kaikan. He gained the Second Prize in the piccolo section of the 12th Japan Flute Convention Competition.
Jiro Yoshioka has also accomplished the following,
* he was awarded supremacy (the second prize without first) in the 3rd Tokyo Music Competition,
* in 2005 the second solo recital at Tokyo-Tsuda Hall,
* in 2006 he played Carl Nielsen’s concerto accompanied by Nagoya Philharmonic,
* in 2007 he played Jacques Ibert’s concerto with Tokyo Philharmonic,
* in 2008 and 2009 he played as a contract principal flutist of Kanagawa Philharmonic.
* in 2009 the third solo recital at Tokyo-Bunka Kaikan and Church of Saint Marcel Paris,
* in 2011 he played W. A. Mozart’s concerto for flute and harp Kv.299 with Japan Philharmonic, and he was the Japanese premiere of "Concerto for Flute and Percussion" composed by Daniel Schnyder,
He studied flute under Takashi Shirao, Felix Renggli, Kiyoshi Kasai and Renate Greiss=Armin.
He is currently a lecture at Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and an instructor at Muramatsu Flute Lesson Center Shinjuku.
He is a member of the New Philharmonic Orchestra Chiba.
Along with giving flute lessons to young people, he has been playing in various recitals or concerts as a solo player and as a chamber music or orchestra player as well.
Jiro Yoshioka's album ‘Manhattanite / Daniel Schnyder Flute Works’ released on September 25 2009. ‘Debussy et Ravel “paire de bijoux lumineux” ‘ released on December 7 2011. ‘Jiro Yoshioka Flute Recital “Sturm und Drang” ‘ released on July 7 2012. latest album ’ “Song of the Ashug” Khacheturian, Amirov, Gubaidurina, Prokofiev’ released on August 20 2013.

Hiroshi Nagao, piano
Hiroshi Nagao completed both undergraduate and graduate studies at the Tokyo University for the Arts and won the Ataka Prize. He studied with Yushi Sohiro, Michiko Endo and Jiro Kometani. In 1995 he moved to Paris to study at the Ecole Normale, and since returning to Japan he has performed with many major orchestras, such as NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, and Osaka Symphony Orchestra.
In addition to a flourishing solo career, including giving premiere performances of numerous compositions and taking part in major music festivals, Hiroshi is very active as an ensemble player, particularly with Michel Becquet (Tuba), Eric Aubier (Timpani), Jean-Yves Fourmeau (Saxophone) and Pavel Berman (Viola).
Hiroshi has released the following CDs on ALM RECORDS: “Evocacion”, “Hiroshi Nagao plays RAVEL & DEBUSSY” (LIVE NOTES), “MESSIAEN Visions de l’Amen” (piano duo with Ami Fujiwara), and “Hiroshi Nagao plays LISZT & REGER”. He has also collaborated with mezz-soprano Etsuko Kanoh on a disc of late songs by Schumann, which won the 2013 Record Academy Award for Best Vocal Performance.
Thanks to his transparent, concentrated and beautiful sound, coupled with a prodigious technique, Hiroshi is lucky enough to be counted among the small number of performers able to enchant their audiences with extremely eloquent and vibrant music.