松平頼曉 声楽作品集 

Vocal Works of Yori-Aki Matsudaira

ALCD-125 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2020/07/07発売 JAN 4530835 113058

朝日新聞 for your Collection 推薦盤
読売新聞サウンズBOX クラシック 推薦盤
日本経済新聞 ディスクレビュー掲載

レコード芸術 特選盤
音楽現代 推薦盤


[1] アーロンのための悲歌 (1974)

歌う木の下で(2012, 19)
  [2] すべての猫族がいう
  [3] 衣
  [4] 青いスピノザ
  [5] 球
  [6] 信州の泉
太田真紀(ソプラノ) 溝入敬三(コントラバス)

[7] ローテーション Ⅱ (2011)
太田真紀(ソプラノ) 白井奈緒美(サクソフォーン)
詞:よみびとしらず 訳詞:猿田長春、他

時の声 (2013)
   [8]  I.
   [9]  II.
太田真紀(ソプラノ) 山田岳(エレクトリック・ギター)

[10] サブスティテューション (1972)
太田真紀(ソプラノ) 中村和枝(ピアノ)

反射係数 (1979, 80)
  [11] ヘテロフォニー
  [12] レシタティヴ
  [13] ラオダテ
  [14] ナジョー
  [15] アンティフォニー
太田真紀(ソプラノ) 甲斐史子(ヴィオラ) 中村和枝(ピアノ)

三鷹市芸術文化センター 2019年10月11, 23日


© Jun’ichi Ishizuka松平頼曉 Yori-Aki Matsudaira
1931年、東京に生れる。作曲、ピアノを独学。1957~60年、総音列主義によって作曲。次の6年間、不確定性に関心を持つ。1967年〜76年、ロバート・ラウシェンバーグの言うコンバインド・アートに触発され、新しい引用音楽を始める。1976年以後、旋法による作曲を始め、1982年、その延長としてピッチ・インターヴァル技法を開発。1958、67、69、72、75、84、87、91、93、2009年、国際現代音楽協会(ISCM)主催の音楽祭に入選。1990年、第3回K.セロツキ国際作曲家コンペティションでメック出版社特別賞を受ける。2001年、ISCM日本支部委員長として「ISCM 世界音楽の日々イン横浜」を主催。2008年、武満徹に続き日本で二人目のISCM名誉会員となる。立教大学名誉教授(生物物理)。理学博士。

© 渡邊一生太田真紀(ソプラノ)
大阪府出身。同志社女子大学学芸学部声楽専攻卒業。同大学音楽学会≪頌啓会≫特別専修生修了。大阪音楽大学大学院歌曲研究室修了。東京混声合唱団のソプラノ団員として活動後、文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度にてローマに滞在し、故平山美智子氏に師事。これまでに、イザベラ・シェルシ財団、ヌオヴァ・コンソナンツァ・フェスティバル、サントリー芸術財団サマーフェスティバル、武生国際音楽祭、東京オペラシティリサイタルシリーズB→C、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪定期演奏会、ニュイ・ブランシュ京都他に出演、活発な演奏活動を展開している。近年は音楽舞台劇「触覚の宮殿」、美術家 森村泰昌氏による「野生『能』」など、舞台作品へも参加している。アンサンブル九条山のメンバーとして、2019年度 音楽クリティック・クラブ賞 奨励賞、大阪文化祭賞 奨励賞を受賞。現在、神戸大学非常勤講師。

現在は現代音楽の分野で多くの新作初演に携わるほか、即興演奏家、パフォーマーとしても活動。サントリー音楽財団サマーフェスティバル、ベルリン・ランドシュピーレ、トーキョーエクスペリメンタルフェスティバルなどに出演。国外での活動も多く、これまでドイツ、ベルギー、ハンガリー、ロシア、マレーシア、中国、シンガポール、ベトナムの各都市にて公演。ALM RECORDSよりソロアルバム『Ostinati』、『melodia』をリリース。第9回現代音楽演奏コンクール「競楽IX」第1位。第20回朝日現代音楽賞を受賞。

パリ国立高等音楽院サクソフォーンクラスを一等賞にて卒業。卒業時にメイヤー賞受賞。これまでフランスをはじめ、ドイツ、オランダ、スロベニア、中国、タイなどにてコンサートに出演。(公財)よんでん文化振興財団奨学生。第四回アドルフ・サックス国際コンクールセミファイナリスト。パリ国立高等音楽院の卒業生によるオーケストラにてサクソフォーンソリストを務め2008年帰国。シュトックハウゼンコンサート(ドイツ)に’08’, 09’, 10’, 13年と出演し全年演奏家賞受賞。2010年香川県文化芸術新人賞受賞。2013年日本現代音楽協会・朝日新聞社主催・第10回現代音楽演奏コンクール「競楽Ⅹ」サクソフォーン奏者として初入選。日本サクソフォーン協会会員。

溝入敬三(コントラバス) Keizo Mizoiri

武蔵野音楽大学卒業。第3回日本現代音楽ピアノコンクール、第3回スペイン・シッチェス20世紀音楽コンクール、共に優勝。多くの現代音楽演奏会にて独奏曲、室内楽曲、協奏曲などの初演・再演に携わる。海外に於いても主要な現代音楽祭で演奏・録音を行っている。2002年に作曲家・山本裕之と共に現代音楽ユニット“claviarea”を結成。2017年にはトロンボーン奏者・村田厚生と共にスイス・ドイツの5都市で「コンテンポラリー・デュオ 村田厚生&中村和枝」リサイタルツアーを行う。ALM RECORDSよりCD『to you from・・・』、『松平頼暁・24のエッセーズ』をリリース。尚美学園、JML入野義朗音楽研究所講師。「ピアノのアトリエ」主宰。


Yori-Aki Matsudaira(1931-)

[1] Elegie für Aron (1974)
Maki Ota (soprano)
Text: a reworking of Act III of Arnold Schönberg's Moses und Aron

Under the Singing Tree (2012, 19)
  [2] Subete-no Nekozoku-ga iu
  [3] Kinu
  [4] Aoi Spinoza
  [5] Kyū
  [6] Shinshū-no Izumi
Maki Ota (soprano) Keizo Mizoiri (contrabass)
Words: Eiji Usami

[7] Rotation Ⅱ (2011)
Maki Ota (soprano) Naomi Shirai (saxophone)
Text: Anonymous Translation: Nagaharu Saruta, etc.

The Voice of Time (2013)
   [8]  I.
   [9]  II.
Maki Ota (soprano) Gaku Yamada (electric guitar)
Words: Shigeru Matsui

[10]Substitution (1972)
Maki Ota (soprano) Kazue Nakamura (piano)
Words: Yori-Aki Matsudaira

Albedo (1979, 80)
  [11] Heterophony
  [12] Recitative
  [13] Laodate
  [14] Najô
  [15] Antiphony
Maki Ota (soprano) Fumiko Kai (viola) Kazue Nakamura (piano)
Words: Words: Tatsuo Minagawa (compilation), ‘MANUALE AD SACRAMENTA’ ORATIO CHRISTIANORUM OCCULTORUM / Yori-Aki Matsudaira (compilation)

Recording Location: Mitaka City Arts Center, 11, 23 October 2019

Yori-Aki Matsudaira
Born in 1931 in Tokyo, Yori-Aki Matsudaira is a self-taught composer and pianist. From 1957 to 1960 his compositions employed total serialism. During the following six years his interest lay in the music of indeterminacy. From 1967 to 1976 he concentrated on new quotation music, inspired by Robert Rauschenberg’s ‘combined art’. He began composing using modes in 1976, proceeding to the pitch interval technique in 1982. He was selected for the ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music) Music Festival in 1958, 67, 69, 72, 75, 84, 87, 91, 93 and 2009. He was awarded the Moeck Verlag Special Prize at the Kazimierz Serocki 3rd International Composers’ Competition, and as chairman of the Japanese section of the ISCM he organized the ISCM World Music Days 2001 in Yokohama. In 2008, he became the second ISCM honorary member in Japan, after Toru Takemitsu.

Maki Ota (soprano)
Born in Osaka, Japan. Maki Ota graduated from the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, where she completed the Shokeikai specialized study program. She also completed graduate vocal research at Osaka College of Music. Maki launched her career as a soprano member of the Philharmonic Chorus of Tokyo, after which she studied under the late Michiko Hirayama in Rome as a participant in the Agency for Cultural Affairs Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists. Maki enjoys an active performing career – so far she has performed at Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, Nuova Consonanza, the Suntory Foundation for Arts’ Summer Festival, the Takefu International Music Festival, the Tokyo Opera City Recital Series ‘B to C: From Bach to Contemporary Music’, an Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka regular concert, Nuit Blanche Kyoto etc. In recent years she has branched out into stage art, participating in projects such as the musical play “Palace of the Senses”, and “Yasei ‘Noh’ by the artist Yasumasa Morimura. Maki won the 2019 Music Critic Club Award as a member of Ensemble Kujoyama, and the Osaka Cultural Festival Award. At present she is a part-time lecturer at Kobe University.

Gaku Yamada (electric guitar)
Gaku Yamada began learning to play the electric guitar when he was in junior high school, aspiring to become like Jimi Hendrix. He has been through phases of blues, heavy metal, punk and progressive rock.
In addition to his involvement with premiering new works, he is active as an improvisor and stage performer. He has participated in the Suntory Foundation for Arts Summer Festival, Randspiele | Neue Musik in der St.Annen Kirche Zepernick (Berlin), TOKYO EXPERIMENTAL FESTIVAL et al. He has an active international career, having given concerts in numerous cities in Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Russia, Malaysia, China, Singapore and Vietnam. His albums Ostinati and melodia have been released by ALM Records. He won first prize at “Kyogaku Ⅸ”, the 9th Contemporary Music Performance Competition and the 20th Asahi Contemporary Music Award.

Naomi Shirai (saxophone)
Naomi Shirai graduated from the saxophone class at the Conservatoire de Paris with top class honors, and on her graduation was awarded the Meyer Prize. She has given concerts in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovenia, China, Thailand et al, and was awarded a Yonden Cultural Promotion Foundation scholarship. She reached the semi-final of the 4th Adolphe Sax International competition. Naomi returned to Japan in 2008 after having served as saxophone soloist with the Orchestra National des Pays de la Loire. She participated in the Karlheinz-Stockhausen-Konzert (Germany) in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2013, winning the Performer Prize each time, and was awarded the Kagawa Culture and Art New Artist Award in 2010. In 2013 she became the first saxophonist to be chosen for the 10th ISCM/Asahi Shimbun contemporary music competition ‘Kyogaku X’. She is a member of the Japan Saxophonist Association.

Keizo Mizoiri (double-bass)
Born in 1955, Keizo Mizoiri spent his childhood in a remote mountain region overlooking the Seto Inland Sea and rice terraces. He studied at Fukuyama Senior High School Attached to Hiroshima University, Tokyo University of the Arts and the University of California, San Diego on an Agency for Cultural Affairs scholarship. He took part in the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and in Avignon BASS’94 et al. In 1990 he won the Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (IMD) Kranichsteiner music prize, and also won the Japan Society for Contemporary Music 7th JSCM Award for Composers. In 2000 he won first prize in the 4th ISCM contemporary music competition ‘Kyogaku IV’, and also won the 10th Asahi contemporary music award. In addition to his CDs Contrabass Typhoon, Contrabass Playhouse, Neko ni Koban et al, he has written The Dictionary for Music and Contrabass Lovers. He is active in the field of contemporary music as a solo concert artist and chamber musician.

Kazue Nakamura (piano)
Musashino Academia Musicae graduate Kazue Nakamura won the first prize in the 3rd Japan Society for Contemporary Music Piano Competition and the 3rd Sitges Twentieth Century Music Competition. She has been involved in premieres and performances of numerous contemporary solo, chamber and concerto works, and has been invited to perform and record at major contemporary music festivals around the world. In 2002 she formed the contemporary music unit “claviarea” together with the composer Hiroyuki Yamamoto. In 2017 she embarked on a concert tour, entitled “Contemporary Duo Kousei Murata & Kazue Nakamura”, to five German and Swiss cities with the trombonist Kousei Murata. To date, Kazue has released two CDs on the ALM Records label: to you from…. and Yori-Aki Matsudaira 24 Essays. At present she is a lecturer at Shobi University and “NPO JML Yoshiro Irino Music Institute, Tokyo”, and she established the “Atelier du Piano”.

Fumiko Kai (viola)
Fumiko Kai completed both under-graduate and graduate studies at Toho Gakuen School of Music. She won 1st prize at the 5th ISCM contemporary music competition ‘Kyogaku V’ and won the 12th Asahi Contemporary Music Award, in 2003 she won the Aoyama Music Award's Baroque Saal Award and the Kranichsteiner Music Prize in Darmstadt (Germany). Fumiko also won the Keizo Saji Prize as a member of Ensemble Nomad. She has participated in numerous music festivals, both in Japan and around the world, such as ‘Festival A Tempo’ in Venezuela and France, the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival in England, Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico, and has premiered and recorded numerous compositions. She has released three CDs on the Zipangu label. She is a part time teacher and lecturer at Kanagawa Prefectural Yaei High School and Tokyo University of the Arts (Solfege).