ファニー・メンデルスゾーン=ヘンゼル 室内楽曲集

 Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Chamber Music Works

ALCD-1208 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2021/12/07発売 JAN 4530835 113812

 Miho Haga fortepiano
 Nao Takahashi violin
 Mariko Takahashi violoncello

音楽現代 注目盤

ファニー・メンデルスゾーン=ヘンゼル (1805-1847)

ピアノ三重奏曲 ニ短調 作品11
 [1] I. Allegro molto vivace
 [2] II. Andante espressivo
 [3] III. Lied
 [4] IV. Finale: Allegro moderato

[5] アダージョ ホ長調 ヴァイオリンとピアノのための

[6] カプリッチョ 変イ長調 チェロとピアノのための

[7] ピアノのための歌 変ニ長調 作品8-3

   羽賀美歩  フォルテピアノ
   髙橋奈緒 ヴァイオリン
   髙橋麻理子 チェロ

Fortepiano: Joachim Harbich (Vienna, c.1830s)
Violin & Violoncello: Historical

2021年3月2-4日 邑楽町中央公民館(邑の森ホール)


羽賀美歩 フォルテピアノ

2歳よりヤマハにて音楽教育を受け始め、4歳でピアノを、6歳で作曲を始める。テレビ朝日系列局『オリジナルコンサート ~私たちの創った音楽~』に出演し、また台湾、フランスなど、海外公演を含む多数コンサートにて、自作の曲を演奏する。2011年、クレムスエッグ城国際フォルテピアノコンクール第2位。2013年、ブルージュ国際古楽コンクールフォルテピアノ部門第3位。伴奏ピアニストとして、第21回奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール優秀共演者賞を受賞。2015年6月には小倉貴久子氏との連弾による「美しいアップライトピアノ〜連弾の悦び〜」(浜松市楽器博物館コレクションシリーズCD)が発売された。現在は古楽器フォルテピアノ奏者として活動するほか、器楽や声楽の伴奏ピアニストとしても多数の演奏家と共演し、高い信頼を得ている。

(c) Ayane Shindo
髙橋奈緒 ヴァイオリン


髙橋麻理子 チェロ

桐朋学園大学首席卒業、皇居桃華楽堂新人演奏会に於いて御前演奏を行う。霧島国際音楽祭にて特別奨励賞、及びサントリー賞受賞。第6回大阪国際室内楽コンクール、トリオ部門にて日本人初の第三位入賞。小澤征爾音楽塾、サイトウキネンフェスティバルなどにも参加、またNHK 名曲リサイタル他録音なども多数行っている。これまでにチェロを井上頼豊、倉田澄子、堤剛、ユリウス・ベルガーの各氏に師事。バロックチェロを鈴木秀美、シュテファン・シュルツ、グィド・ラリッシュに師事。現在フランスの古楽団体「Le Concert Lorrain」メンバー。2007年より渡独、日本や欧州の音楽祭などにも招聘され、古楽から現代まで幅広いレパートリーを持つ。2021年8月、世界初録音を含む「間宮芳生 チェロとピアノのための作品集」をコジマ録音(ALM RECORDS)よりリリース。レコード芸術準特選盤、朝日新聞夕刊「for your Collection 」推薦盤に選ばれた他、各誌で高い評価を得た。

Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel (1805-1847)

Piano Trio in D minor Op.11
 [1] I. Allegro molto vivace
 [2] II. Andante espressivo
 [3] III. Lied
 [4] IV. Finale: Allegro moderato

[5] Adagio in E major for violin and piano

[6] Capriccio in A-flat major for violoncello and piano

[7] Song for the piano in D-flat major Op.8-3

   Miho Haga fortepiano
   Nao Takahashi violin
   Mariko Takahashi violoncello

Fortepiano: Joachim Harbich (Vienna, c.1830s)
Violin & Violoncello: Historical

Recorded at Ora Town Central Public Hall Muranomori Hall, 2-4 March 2021

Miho Haga, fortepiano
Nagoya native Miho Haga completed undergraduate studies in piano performance and graduate studies in fortepiano performance at Tokyo University of the Arts. To date she has studied piano with Junko Asai, the late Takako Horie, Emiko Harimoto and Shun Sato, composition with Makoto Teranishi, chamber music with Nobuko Yamazaki and fortepiano with Kikuko Ogura.
Starting her music education at the age of two at a Yamaha music class, she took up the piano aged four and started composing when she was six. She performed her own music in the Asahi Television program “Original Concert – Our Music”, and later in countries such as Taiwan and France. In 2011 she won second prize at the Schloss Kremsegg International Fortepiano Competition, and third prize in the fortepiano section of the 2013 Bruges International competition Musica Antiqua. As an accompanist, she won the top collaborative performance prize at the 21st Sogakudo Japanese Song Contest. The disk she recorded with Kikuko Ogura “Beautiful Upright Pianos: Delight of Duet” was released in June 2016. In addition to her work as a fortepiano performer, she is a sought after accompanist of both instrumental and vocal performers.

Nao Takahashi, violin
After graduating from the music department at Kikuzato High School, Nagoya native Nao Takahashi went on to complete undergraduate studies in violin performance and graduate studies in baroque violin performance at Tokyo University of the Arts. While still a student she won the Doseikai Award. She has won numerous prizes, including top prizes and audience prizes at the Student Music Concours of Japan and the Osaka International Music Competition. She has performed as soloist with the Geidai Philharmonia Orchestra at a Tokyo University of the Arts morning concert, and with the Nagoya Philharmonic. To date she has studied the violin with Yoko Morishita, Eszter Perenyi and Takashi Shimizu, and the baroque violin with Natsumi Wakamatsu. In 2018 she was a season member of the Kioi Hall Chamber Orchestra. At present she makes guest performances as concertmaster with orchestras both in Japan and around the world and enjoys an active career as a period instrument performer of Baroque, Classical and Romantic music. She is a member of Bach Collegium Japan, Orchestra Libera Classica and L'orchestre d'avant-garde.

Mariko Takahashi, violoncello
After graduating from Toho Gakuen College of Music, Mariko Takahashi gave a performance in the Tokagakudo (Imperial concert hall in the gardens of the Imperial Palace) in the presence of the Emperor of Japan. She won the Kirishima International Music Festival Special Encouragement Prize and the Suntory Prize. She was the first Japanese artist to win the 3rd prize in the trio section of the 6th Osaka International Chamber Music Competition. She participated in the Seiji Ozawa Music Academy and the Saito Kinen Festval, and has given performances and made recordings for NHK. To date she has studied the cello with Yoritoyo Inoue, Sumiko Kurata, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi and Julius Berger, and the baroque cello with Hidemi Suzuki and Stefan Schultz, and Guido Larisch. At present she is a member of the French period instrument ensemble Le Concert Lorrain. Since moving to Germany in 2007, she has often been invited to take part in music festivals in Europe and Japan, and has a wide repertory from early to contemporary music. Her CD “Michio Mamiya: Works for Cello and Piano”, which includes a number of world premiere recordings, was released by ALM Records in August 2021 and has garnered high praise from music magazines, including a Record Geijutsu ‘jun-tokusenban’ (editor’s choice), and a “for your Collection” recommendation in the Asahi Shimbun.