
Eri già tutta mia
–Canti d’amore del ’600 italiano–

ALCD-1188 税込価格¥3,080(税抜価格¥2,800) 2019/08/07発売 JAN 4530835 112631櫻田亮(テノール) 西山まりえ(バロック・ハープ)
Makoto Sakurada, tenor Marie Nishiyama, baroque harp

読売新聞サウンズBOX 推薦盤
朝日新聞 for your Collection クラシック音楽 特選盤
レコード芸術 特選盤
音楽現代 推薦盤

 [1] この上なく甘い溜息
 [2] 愛の神よ、私は去る、そして感じる
 [3] 不実な顔よ
 [4] 私の太陽を見るだろうか?
 [5] 私の美しいアマリッリよ

S. ディンディア
 [6] 無慈悲なアマリッリ
 [7] 君は私を捨て、おお、無慈悲な人、美しい人よ!
 [8] 和らげておくれ、我が涙よ
 [9] 獣も岩も私の嘆きに涙を流し

 [10] 愛の神よ、何を待っているのか
 [11] 気高き至福の瞳よ
 [12] 痛みと苦しみの狭間で
 [13] 帰ってきておくれ、私の愛しい人よ

 [14] これほどに甘い苦しみが
 [15] 僕のことを嫌いなんだったら
 [16] 優しい光で武装した太陽が
 [17] 今まで私は硬い氷の鎧を身に纏い
 [18] あの蔑むような眼差し
 [19] あなたはすべて私のものだった


〈録音〉相模湖交流センター 2018年12月26-28日


櫻田 亮(テノール)

チェンバロとヒストリカル・ハープ、2種の古楽器を自在に操る希有なプレーヤーとして世界的に知られ、数多くのコンサート、音楽祭や録音に参加。ルネ・ヤーコプス、ボブ・ヤング、「チーフタンズ」のパディ・モローニ、カルロス・ヌニェス、ミカラ・ペトリ、コリーナ・マルティ、山下洋輔、波多野睦美、アンサンブル「アントネッロ」など、幅広いジャンルに渡る音楽家との共演は常に多くの反響を呼んでいる。また音楽番組、教養情報番組などTV出演も多い。国内外レーベルへの録音も多く、いずれも雑誌・メディアで好評を博す。「バッハ フランス組曲・全曲」は「レコード芸術」誌特選盤。「王の踊りとシャンソン」同誌準特選盤ほか、「フォルクレ クラヴサン組曲・全曲〜情熱の嵐」音楽現代推薦盤。中世音楽のスペシャリストとしての評価も高く、ゴシック・ハープとオルガネットを奏し、古楽を多くの聴衆に広めている。『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選ばれた他、様々な雑誌で採り上げられ話題となっている。東京音楽大学ピアノ科卒業、同大学研究科修了後、ミラノ市立音楽院、バーゼル・スコラ・カントールムに留学。第11回山梨古楽コンクール・チェンバロ部門第1位(第23回同コンクール審査員)および栃木[蔵の街]音楽祭賞受賞。古楽ワークショップ「信州アーリーミュージック村」芸術監督。『レコード芸術』誌「読者が選ぶピープル2007」、HMV「2008年度期待のアーティスト5名」に選出される。現在、武蔵野音楽大学非常勤講師として後進の指導にあたっている。

Giulio Caccini
 [1] Dolcissimo sospiro
 [2] Amor, io parto, e sento nel partire
 [3] Perfidissimo volto
 [4] Vedrò ’l mio Sol?
 [5] Amarilli mia bella

Sigismondo d'India
 [6] Cruda Amarilli
 [7] Tu mi lasci, o cruda, o bella!
 [8] Intenerite voi, lagrime mie
 [9] Piangono al pianger mio le fere, e i sassi

Giulio Caccini
 [10] Amor ch’attendi
 [11] Alme luci beate
 [12] Mentre che fra doglie e pene
 [13] Torna, deh torna pargoletto mio

Claudio Monteverdi
 [14] Sì dolce è’l tormento
 [15] Perchè se m’odiavi
 [16] Ecco di dolci raggi il Sol armato
 [17] Io ch’armato sin hor d’un duro gelo
 [18] Quel sguardo sdegnosetto
 [19] Eri già tutta mia

Makoto Sakurada tenor
Marie Nishiyama baroque harp

Recorded at Lake Sagami-ko Community Center, Kanagawa, 26-28 December 2018

Makoto Sakurada, tenor
Makoto Sakurada completed both under-graduate and graduate studies at the Department of Vocal Music, Tokyo University of the Arts. He studied singing with the late Tadahiko Hirano, Gianni Fabbrini, William Matteuzzi and Gloria Banditelli.
In 1997 he went to study at the Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Martini in Bologna, Italy, after which he enjoyed an active concert career performing in Italy and all over Europe. He performed with numerous ensembles, such as La Venexiana, Le Concert des Nations, Collegium Vocale, the orchestra of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia et al, and worked with many well-known conductors, such as Ottavio Dantone, Claudio Cavina, Jordi Savall, Philippe Herreweghe and Ton Koopman. He has sung major opera roles all over Europe, such as Monteverdi’s ‘Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria’ in Cremona in 2004, Monteverdi’s ‘L’Orfeo’ at the Edinburgh International Festival in 2007, Cavalli’s ‘La Rosinda’ at the Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci et al. In Japan he has performed with the NHK Symphony Orchestra under Wolfgang Sawallisch, the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra etc. He has performed in concert both in Japan and overseas with Bach Collegium Japan led by Masaaki Suzuki and has participated in some of their recordings. In addition to his performance of Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni at the New National Theatre, Tokyo, which was highly acclaimed, he has sung Medoro in Orlando Palandino by Haydn at the Hokutopia International Music Festival, and Ferrando in Mozart’s Così fan tutte.
He has won numerous prizes, such as the second prize in the International Competition Musica Antiqua Bruges (2002), and the top prize in the Siena (?) section of the Concorso di Lirica Italiana.
At present Makoto is an associate professor at the Tokyo University of the Arts, a member of the coaching faculty at the Suntory Hall Opera Academy and chief administrator of the Associazione Musica Antica Italiana in Giappone (AMAIG).

Marie Nishiyama, baroque harp
Marie Nishiyama is well-known all over the world as an unusual musician with a complete mastery of two types of instruments, the harpsichord and the historical harp, an as such has participated in numerous music festivals and recordings. Her collaborations with musicians from a range of genres, such as René Jacobs, Paddy Moloney from The Chieftains, Carlos Nunez, Michala Petri, Corina Marti, Yosuke Yamashita, Mutsumi Hatano and ensemble Anthonello always draw an enthusiastic response. She has also appeared in numerous musical and educational television programs. Her numerous recordings, on both Japanese and international labels, have been highly acclaimed by magazines and the media. Marie’s recording of the six French Suites by J.S. Bach was disk of the month in the Record Geijutsu magazine, which also gave an exclusive recommendation to the disk ‘Danse du Roy et Chanson’. Another disk, ‘Forqueray: Pièces de clavecin’ was highly recommended by the magazine Ongaku Gendai. Highly acclaimed as a specialist in medieval music, Marie plays the gothic harp and the organetto, bringing old music to a much wider audience. In addition to the awards mentioned above, Marie’s recordings have been featured in a range of magazines. Marie stayed on as a research student after completing a piano performance degree at the Tokyo College of Music, after which she studied at the Accademia Internazionale della Musica di Milano and at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. She won first prize in the harpsichord section of the 11th International Competition for Early Music YAMANASHI, was invited back as a member of the jury for the 23rd competition and was a prize winner at the Tochigi Kuranomachi music festival. Marie is the director of ‘Shinshu Early Music Village’, and she coaches advanced students as a part time lecturer at Musashino Academia Musicae.